Page 65 of Sure

I have to do it myself.

chapter fourteen


When I hear Colton get back from his night out with August that Friday, I battle with myself for a long while before I slip downstairs in my pajamas and make a cup of tea.

Maybe it’s stupid of me.

Maybe it’s ridiculous in a million ways.

Maybe I’m making a fool out of myself.

But I love our conversations when it’s just the two of us, this wonderful, special connection we have. So I just can’t help it when I see a possible opportunity to have a night to myself with Colton.

I make my tea, hop up on the kitchen island again, and then I wait. Five minutes pass. Ten.

And then I hear that creak, the same one from last week, the sound of Colton coming down the stairs.

My pulse begins to race, and before I can even fully comprehend the fact he’s coming down here again, the light flicks on. This time, it’s just the light under the cabinets that casts a soft glow through the kitchen.

“I thought you might be down here,” Colton says, a small smile on his face. “Figured maybe you could use a drinking buddy.”

I laugh. “Well, I’m only drinking tea, but you’re welcome to go for something with a little more…bite to it.”

His lips tilt up and he crosses to the fridge, opening it to pull out a beer. “This is as much of a bite as I’m looking for,” he tells me. “The last time I had something more stiff, I smashed up a Porsche with a baseball bat.”

I gasp dramatically. “No. It was a Porsche?”

He nods, twists the top of his beer, and takes a sip. “Yeah. Wasn’t one of my finer moments.”

“Well, we can’t be perfect all the time.”

“No, we cannot.”

There’s a pause, and Colton leans his hip up against the island just a few feet away. My eyes scan over him almost without my permission, part of me wishing he’d not worn a shirt again, the other part of me thankful he did.

“So, how’s baseball?” I ask, raising my mug to my lips. “Been hitting home runs?”

Colton chuckles, and I hide my smile as my eyes track over the beautiful contours of his face.

“No homers, but I wasn’t ever a hitter. I was a catcher.”


He nods. “Yeah. But I did slide into home and win the game for my team on Wednesday.”

I snort at the super relaxed way he says it. “Oh is that all?” Then I laugh, thinking back to the way his shirt was covered in red clay when he came home after the game. “No big deal. Just winning it with a sliding run.”

We laugh together.

And that’s when I notice something.

Colton’s eyes.

They drop to my mouth when I laugh, and just the knowledge of that has my neck growing hot.

I’m imagining that, right? I mean…that’s not really happening.