Page 55 of Sure

I roll my eyes.

Didn’t you just hear what she said, bro? She’s not a risk taker. She’s just being nice to you.

But Emily laughs again, and this time it’s a kind of high-pitched thing that I don’t recognize.

“Um…well, thank you. Um…” She glances at me briefly then looks back at Evan. “Do you have a card or something?”

He grins at her, the easy smile he was giving her before I walked up to them.

And I don’t like it at all.

“Yeah, actually.” He digs something out of his pocket, a card holder, and slips one out before jotting something down on it. “This is my business, actually. You can give me a call or…” His eyes rise to mine for a fraction of a second before returning to Emily. “Or I could get your number and give you a call. Maybe I could take you out to dinner and we could talk more about it.”


This guy is bold.

“Sure. Yeah.” Emily giggles again, that high-pitched one that is definitely not her normal laugh, and then scribbles her number down on another one of his cards.

“Expect a call from me soon, Emily,” he says, giving her that charming smile as she turns to leave the store.

I pin him with a look now that she’s facing the other direction, and it takes everything in me not to do the two fingers to the eyeballs I’m watching you move. I manage to hold back, instead spinning the stroller around and following in Emily’s wake.

“I didn’t realize you were the skydiving kind of girl,” I say to her as we walk through the mall together.

Her head flies up from where she was examining her new phone, a pinched expression on her face.

“I’m not. Didn’t you hear me say that to him?”

I nod. “I did, but I just assumed that was you playing hard to get.”

Emily snorts, loudly. “Absolutely not. No thank you.”

“Why not? He was a good-looking guy,” I push. “You should go out with him.”

She gives me another look I can’t read then shakes her head. “I’ll pass.”

“Aww, come on. You weren’t even the least bit interested? Because it seemed like you were.”

“What I was interested in was getting my new phone.”

“Ahhhh, so you flirted with him to get his help.”

Emily spins around, her mouth agape. “I did not.”

“Really?” I ask. “Because it sure felt that way.”

She grits her teeth and crosses her arms, but instead of saying anything, she just glares at me.


She seems to consider for a moment before turning and marching off again.


“Oh, come on. It feels like you wanna lay into me, and I’m giving you a free shot,” I tell her, smile still wide on my face.

But it dims when she finally spins around, the look on her own face anything but playful.