Page 52 of Sure

My question comes out of nowhere, and I’m almost embarrassed I asked. It’s not my business what he got up to tonight, whether he had fun or not.

When I ask it, Colton’s eyes drop to connect with mine for a long moment that makes me wonder if he doesn’t like that I asked either.

But eventually, he answers.

“It was good, yeah. But it was mostly people from August’s social circle, and I don’t know a lot of them very well. I mean, I was always a dad, you know? And all his buddies are single.” He shrugs. “It mostly feels like I’m just avoiding his female friends.”

He says it with a chuckle, but I can’t help the bristly feeling that travels up my spine at the idea that women are hitting on him. If they’re in August’s circle, it’s most likely Chloe or Shannon, and those bitches know Colton is a new widow.

“Seems kind of tacky to me,” I say, my tongue wagging before I can manage to keep my thought to myself.

Colton snorts. “How so?”

“Well, pretty much everyone in town knows about your wife’s passing, so if someone is hitting on you in public…I don’t know…it’s like they’re implying that you’re fair game or something.”

His head tilts to the side, and he watches me curiously.

“And should I not be fair game?”

I’m shocked at his question, which holds just a hint of challenge. But I blink a few times, realizing my error. My assumption was that since he said he was avoiding them, he’s not ready to move on yet. But I don’t know anything about Colton’s relationship with his dead wife. For all I know, he’s already moved on or climbed into bed with someone to soothe his pain.

I swallow thickly at that unwanted thought.

“You know what? Ignore me. I’m tired and shouldn’t be commenting on what you’re doing when you’re out with…women.”

I don’t know why the end comes out that way. He made it clear he was out with August, and yet I’m zeroing in on this idea of him peacocking around looking for someone to take home.

Clearing my throat, I hop down from the counter and cross the kitchen to pour the rest of my now cool tea down the drain.

“I wasn’t out with women, I was out with August,” Colton corrects me. “And you’re right, it is tacky for them to hit on me.”

At his words, something in my stomach relaxes, glad he’s not upset about what I said. Or maybe glad he’s not out looking for…who knows what. Looking for someone, I guess.

“Well, I’m gonna head to bed,” I tell him, part of me wishing I had the courage to stay down here and keep talking to him like I want to.

Because this engaging in conversation thing feels really…nice.

“ And I’m sorry for scaring you earlier,” I add, giving him a parting wave as I head off through the house.

“Night, Emily,” he calls after me, his voice low. “Hope you’re able to fall asleep.”

I glance back at Colton over my shoulder, finding him watching me as I slowly climb the stairs.

And I don’t like that I like it as much as I do.

chapter eleven


“I’m heading to the mall. Do you need anything while I’m there?”

I glance over at Emily, who is making her first appearance of the day. I’ve heard her moving around a lot upstairs this morning, possibly finally getting things settled in her room, or maybe taking a Zumba class—who knows? It’s almost noon now, and I was beginning to wonder what she was going to get up to on her days off.

Not that it’s my business. But still. Just curious.

“You don’t have to run errands for me,” I tell her from where I’m stretched out on the floor playing with Teddy.

“I know, but I’m going, so…”