Page 111 of Sure

“You really love me?” he asks. “You really want to face it all with me? Figure it out together?”

I nod. “Yeah, I do.”

“You’re sure?” he asks, rolling closer, taking my face into his hands, and gazing into my eyes with the kind of love I know he’ll look at me with for the rest of our lives.

“I’m sure.”



“Knock knock.”

My eyes fly up to my classroom door, and I smile when I see Emily standing there, leaning up against the door jamb.

“Well, aren’t you exactly what this old man needs to see at the end of a long, horrible finals week.”

She laughs, walking over to me and placing a soft, sweet kiss to my lips.

“Was it really that bad?”

I scrunch up my face. “Nah. This was a pretty good group of kids this semester. I’m actually gonna miss them.” I pause. “Well, most of them.”

Emily laughs again then takes a seat at one of the desks, waiting for me to pack up my things so we can drive home together. This has become a ritual, somehow, over the years. Her picking me up on the last day of school so we can go on a drive together along the coast.

“You know, I feel like I should start coming to see you at school more often,” she tells me.

“Oh, really?” I slip the final exams my students completed today into my bag to take home and grade tonight. Today might be the last day of school, but I don’t get to my summer break until I’ve finalized report cards by the end of the weekend. “And why is that?”

She shrugs. “You just look super sexy when you wear those glasses.”

“I wear these glasses at home.”

“Yeah, but at home, you’re not in teacher mode.”

Chuckling, I sling my side bag over my shoulder and lock my desk.

“And what, pray tell, is teacher mode?”

“Oh, you know what teacher mode is,” she tells me, grinning and biting her lip.

I do, in fact, know what teacher mode is. It’s not so much about being a teacher, more so about being in charge. And even though Emily is quite the outspoken woman with lots of thoughts and opinions, we’ve started to learn that she really does love when I take charge.

In bed, of course.

“Maybe you can bring a ruler home with you or something,” she says with a wink.

I snort, reaching my hand out to take hers in mine.

“You’re insane.”

“Ah, yeah. But you like me like that.”

“Correction,” I say as we walk out of my classroom together. “I love you like that.”

I lock my classroom door, adjusting the somewhat torn-up piece of paper on the outside that says Mr. Palmer’s Classroom in horrible Comic Sans font. We really need to get one of these students to TA at the front desk next year so Sue doesn’t have to make signs anymore.

Strolling slowly across the campus, Emily and I walk hand in hand through the empty courtyards of Sandalwood Secondary School and toward the administrative building to cut through to where she parked out front.