Page 59 of All Bets Are Off

Maybe I could bribe my answers out of Z with booze. Or just trick him into drinking so much he forgets to filter his words and fesses up to whatever is playing on repeat in his mind. I nod to myself. That just might be possible. Especially if I can convince him it will do more harm for him than yet another three hour workout tonight. I don’t even know how he is still standing at this point with how often he’s been in the gym.

Just as my plan starts to really formulate in my mind, class comes to an abrupt end, shocking me out of my stupor. I look around to find everyone else in the class packing up their bags and heading down the stairs to the front of the class. None of the guys move though. Neither does Brielle.

Her friend moves slowly, not sure what to expect but feeling the rising tension between the five of us. I don’t even fucking know why there is tension. I try to keep my face relaxed as I sneak glances at the other guys but that only leaves me more confused.

Eli leans back in his chair as he cooly assesses both Brielle and Zaiden, while Ash looks like he’d rather be anywhere than here. Does everyone know what’s happening except me?

After all the students clear out, Brielle slowly starts packing up her bag. Her movements look so stiff and concise, I can't figure out her motive behind them. She doesn’t seem anxious or angry, yet the way she moves is so odd.

Her friend has already finished and has her backpack slung over one shoulder as she watches Brielle and her eyes flicker to the four of us. She’s worried we might have pulled another stunt. Have we? My frustration starts to grow towards the other guys. What the fuck haven’t they told me?

Zaiden hasn’t taken his eyes off of Brielle and there’s something new in his eyes as he watches her move so carefully. Is that worry? I want to scream at all of them for leaving me in the dark. This isn’t how we are supposed to work. We don’t keep secrets from each other.

I clench my fists openly on my desk and Ashton must see it because he lays a hand on my shoulder and gives me a gentle squeeze. It’s enough to make me not feel so alone. Just enough to keep me from turning on the only guys that actually have my back. I just hate feeling as if I’m the only one out of the fucking loop. Z is supposed to be my best friend. These guys are supposed to be my family. So what the fuck is happening?

Brielle rises to her feet and turns towards us, a knowing smile already gracing her face. She doesn’t seem on edge at all. Why are we all on edge then? When the fuck did this script get flipped?

“Boys,” she says, dipping her head in our direction. And then in a move I don’t think any of us could have anticipated and I sure as fuck did not, she leans forward and swipes the bracelet off of Zaiden’s desk and slips it on her wrist. “I hope you’re ready to play,” she taunts.

I can’t help it. My mouth drops open in shock. Z has put that bracelet on his desk every single Econ class we have just to piss her off. To remind her of our game. To taunt her with the promise that she won’t stop receiving punishments until she takes the bet. We never thought she would actually take it. Not since she has become this new, distant version of herself.

I turn to look at the guys and they may have better poker faces than I do, but all three of them are absolutely floored by this development. Ash even looks a little green. I wonder why. We need more information, just an indication of what has changed between us over the weekend, why she went from backing down at the game, to facing us head on and accepting a new bet.

I crack my knuckles and study her as I force the surprise off my face. “Huh,” I muse aloud. “Didn’t think that leash your boyfriend had you on was long enough to allow you to play our games.”

Elias smirks at my words, Ash presses his fingers to his temples, but it’s Zaiden I concentrate on. He doesn’t even react, not a flicker of emotion, good or bad, crossing his face at all, which given his hot headed and reckless nature, it’s hard to even believe. Hell. even her little friend looks furious behind her, but Brielle just rolls her eyes. “I thought you knew me well enough to know I’m always playing a game.”

Elias raises his brows now at her in a look of indifference. I can’t help but smile though. “You’ll have your bet by the end of the week.”

She scoffs, “All of the shit you’ve pulled and you don’t even have a bet ready?”

He shrugs. “Didn’t think you’d take it. We have a few more punishments lined up if you just want to skip straight to those.” I snort. We actually don't have anything else planned but I could throw something together real quick, especially for her. I think we may have some leftover glitter dicks that we didn’t dump in Carson’s car. Not as harsh as other moves so far but still funny. Fucking hilarious actually.

I’ll never get over the look of horror on his face when he opened the door and saw what we had done to the inside of his car. Best part was he couldn’t even blame us because everyone else claimed it to be part of the hazing for his stupid frat so he just had to take it. Act like he thought it was hilarious.

No way Brielle’s reaction would be as funny, but I bet it would annoy her. That alone would be worth it until we got something else going.

“How chivalrous for a Knight.” Her tone drops to glacier levels of cold and I have an oh shit moment as I wait to see how Eli responds. I’m not the only one who’s waiting. Ashton looks so tense, he may begin to crack under the pressure. Even Zaide is holding still with wide eyes.

Elias smirks slowly at her but there’s nothing but malice in his gaze as he leans forward. “Well you know me, apparently I’m just here to cater to your every need.”

What. The. Fuck.

Even Elias is acting weird as fuck now. No one missed that his statement had a double meaning that only Brielle would understand, but what? Everyone is losing their fucking minds. It’s rubbing off on me now.

Her smirk is almost vicious as she flips him off as she turns her back on us, her friend following in her wake. “I’m ready to play when you are,” she calls over her shoulder as she leaves us behind.

As soon as the door shuts behind them, I turn to the guys. “I did not expect that.”

I expect Elias to say something, to take the lead, but he just looks conflicted as he wavers back and forth between smug and confused. No one says anything as we all exchange glances. I feel the tension building back up as I wait for one of them to say something, anything. But none of them speak up. “Anyone want to tell me what the fuck just happened?” I clench my fists, trying to subdue the rising anger.

“I have no clue,” Ashton murmurs as he drops his head into his hands and groans.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Elias asks, making me want to smack him. No. No, it’s fucking not, dickhead. “Bri’s ready to play.” He seems excited by this turn of events, like he had some kind of forewarning of this happening. Strange considering Brielle has been firmly on team we’re the devil since before the start of summer. Why has she suddenly had a change of heart? I don’t understand what could have happened. I mean I could lie and say I haven’t wished she would finally cave and come back to us, anyway we can have her, but I never expected it to actually happen, not after what we did.

“But what changed?” We don’t have a bet ready for a reason. We never anticipated that bracelet leaving Z’s possession. She hasn’t wanted anything to do with us and seemed willing enough to take the punishments we dished out. She hates us so much now that she endured weeks of rumors and harassment over associating with us. Over playing our game. So why now?

Those thoughts have me watching my brothers closely, trying to find any indication as to whether they know something as my question lingers between us all. Ashton looks just as shocked as I’m sure I do, but he is watching Eli closely, as if waiting for him to say something. Elias has his usual all knowing mask in place, only today it seems both knowing and guilty as he flusters under Ash’s intense stare. I open my mouth to ask him, or more like accuse him, but Zaide breaks the silence first.