Page 93 of Vicious Chaos

If Nicholis wants to stick around, things are going to have to change.

“I’ll be in contact, Rachel,” I say before following my men out of the room.

Everyone staysquietuntil we get back into the car. My mind is running rampant with next steps, trying to distract myself from the slow rage burning in my belly.

Every time I think about what my sweet girl went through, I want to blow the whole world up. Tear down everything and build it back up into a world that’s good enough for her to grow up in. Safe enough for her.

I’m working on at least rebuilding this town to be completely owned and operated by us. St Graves will be her safe haven. No matter how much blood I have to spill to ensure that happens.

Our meeting with Rachel did not go as planned. We were supposed to estimate how much time we had before he noticed something was wrong. We have a few days where he’s focused on laying the trap for us, but it won’t be much time. As soon as he does realize, he’s going to come back harder than ever.

We didn't just hit him financially, it’s a wound to his pride. It’s as Nicholis pointed out, the Alvarados are most likely going to be laughing at him. Intrigued by Rachel.

He won’t take that lying down.

“Romano is going to want to weaken us. He’s most likely going to go after our businesses. He would face too much backlash from attacking the fights. It’s far too neutral,” I muse aloud.

“It’s time to shut down Steel Roses,” Luca concludes, following my train of thought.

It’s a decision we’ve already come to. Discussed and agreed on. But it’s also something we’ve been putting off. No one actually wants to shut the doors. I really don’t want to. I worry for my girls. I even worry for myself. I selfishly don’t want to close the doors to the first place that ever felt like home to me.

“Next weekend will be our last weekend open for now. Don’t announce it until Friday though. We don’t want him to have time to plan anything,” I declare.

The guys agree, a new sadness threaded into the heavy air now.

Ryder looks over at me with puppy eyes. A desperation there to bring a smile to my face. I can tell all three of them are feeling it, but Ry always seems to be just a little more in tune with me. Like he can’t help but mirror whatever I’m feeling. It’s not the first time I’ve noticed it. It brings comfort to me in a strange way, like I’m not alone.

Odd, since I’m hardly ever alone, but sometimes I still question if they understand why I am the way I am. Logically, I know they do. But having someone who feels the same, who has gone through the same loss, it eases that fear.

They stay quiet as we make it the rest of the way home. I lean back in my seat and close my eyes as I start to plan on how to break the news to the girls. We can send them to some of our lesser known clubs. Maybe I could speak to Lila at Roe’s dance studio and have her open up some new classes that my girls could teach.

The drive home doesn’t feel as long as I get lost in my thoughts. I hop out of the car and head straight into the house. I know the guys want to cheer me up, I just don’t know that I want to be.

I’d rather just focus on what else we can get done. I think I want to move up the mayor. Before Steel Roses. I don’t want to wait another week to take that man out.

“What are you thinking about so hard there, Ladybug?” Kade asks, popping up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground and swinging me around.

“Murder,” I answer matter of factly, swatting at his arm to put me back down.

“Not mine, I hope,” he answers without skipping a beat. I snort and shake my head.

“I will be if you don’t put me down.”

He sighs as if it’s the hardest task in the world for him before releasing me. Not for long though. He’s quick to catch me and pull me back to his chest, trailing kisses down my neck.

“Who are we killing next?” His husky tone reminding of some of our recent adventures post murder. A shiver works down my spine but I’m quick to try and shut it down.

“I want to take the Mayor out sooner rather than later,” I admit.

“I’m down,” he immediately agrees and I grin as I wrap my arms over his shoulder and around his neck.

“I have more of a message to send.”

A groan wakes meup.Too early. It feels too early.

“It’s noon.” I’d recognize that snicker anywhere. Why does Declan sound so perky?

Kade groans from somewhere close to me, throwing a pillow in the direction of where D’s voice sounded from. I sit up and look around to find we fell asleep in the living room. Our plans still surround us for taking out the mayor.