Page 89 of Vicious Chaos

She sighs next to me and grabs Ryder’s hand, pulling him with her as she turns to me. “Please tell me there’s still time to sleep?”

I nod as she rests against my chest and Ryder curls around her back. I check my phone to double check but see we still have plenty of time before we need to leave. “We can sleep for another two hours before we have to get ready.”

“Thank god,” she sighs. And just like that she’s out.

I’m moving sloweras we make our way into Thorns. My whole body is feeling the effects of what the guys did to me this morning.

It felt like pure bliss at the time, but now every small step reminds me of just how much they stretched me. It’s a dull ache that’s manageable, but one that keeps distracting me as memories float through my brain.

Memories I really don’t have time for at the moment. Not when Kade and I are supposed to be meeting Luca and Ryder here to see what Rachel plans for her next step and find out what she needs from us to make it happen. She said she has a contact that can help offload the inventory. Somehow, I get the feeling it isn’t that simple though.

Kade wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side, dropping an unexpected kiss on the top of my head. I rear back as I stare up at him in question. “What the fuck?”

He rolls his eyes, not bothered in the slightest. “It’s called affection.”

I cock my head as he drags me along at his side. That still doesn’t clear up any of my confusion. I’m not an idiot, I know what affection is. It’s not something that is our normal. Especially when we are working.

“It’s what you do when you love someone,” he taunts explaining slowly as if I were dumb. I smack him on the chest but don’t pull out from under his arm. I just mutter at him about being softie even as I might lean my head against his shoulder. He walks slower, matching my pace and letting me lean into him more.

I get the sneaking suspicion he noticed the way I was walking and trying to hold it together. I tamp down the smile that tries to break free.

I don’t need these bunch of idiots knowing they’re turning me into a total softie like the rest of them. I’d never hear the end of it.

My hand grips Kade’s shirt as I pause. A hushed argument drawing my attention.

“You can be so goddamn infuriating.” The words are harsh but laced with more than just anger. I’ve dealt with enough angry alpha men to hear the lust alongside all that exasperation.

I trade looks with Kade, his curiosity as piqued as mine. I’d say we are above eavesdropping but…. Well our empire didn’t exactly build itself and we sure as hell didn’t do it by respecting people’s privacy.

We both silence our steps as we start to creep down the hall. We turn the corner just in time to see Rachel being pinned up against the wall by her throat. I could hear his lust, but hers is written right there across her face.

I grin as he growls and leans down into her, forcing his knee between her thighs. She doesn’t hesitate to lean into his touch even as the hand around her throat tightens. His lips capture hers in a brutal dance of desire and dominance. His kiss holds no mercy, no sweetness, only a savagery born from pent up need. She kisses him back with a delicious desperation I can practically taste on the air.


I can see why Jade gets off on watching. That’s fucking hot.

That’s not the only thing surprising about the show happening in front of me though.

I clear my throat as we keep walking. Kade throws an elbow at me but I ignore the big bastard. I got what my nosey ass wanted and now I’m starting to feel like a total creep because I am kind of turned on. Again. And we don’t have the time for that, nor do I think my body could handle another round. Well, maybe.

Rachel sighs as he jerks away from her. He curses before storming away, brushing past us angrily as he flees the hallway. I keep my attention on Rachel. She has a faint blush on her cheeks, and I know it’s from more than the heat of that kiss. Which, to be fair, did look scorching.

She gives us a shy smile and quick wave, muttering something about seeing us in a few, before doing the equivalent of tucking her tail and running. Huh. Something about him makes her soft. She’s usually the type to grind her heels and stick her chin out in defiance.

“What has them so wound up?” Kade asks, turning his head back and forth in the direction they both fled. “It’s not like we all didn’t already know about the two of them. Is it some secret around here because he’s her second? I thought everyone knew.”

I raise my brows as I turn to look at him. I’m surprised he didn’t realize just what we interrupted. “That wasn’t Rachel’s second.” I point out as I start moving again. Shock and confusion war on Kade’s face. I huff out a laugh. “Guess Alec has a twin.”

Based on his look of shock, it’s something he didn’t know either. I’ll say one thing though, Rachel didn’t exactly look guilty that we caught her. Embarrassed? Absolutely. But guilty? Horrified that we caught her cheating? Nope.

“I bet there’s an interesting story behind that,” I point out.

Kade finally closes his mouth as we finally reach the winding steps and head up them to the second floor. He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. “How could you tell?” he asks.

I raise my brows at him. “The better question is how couldn’t you, big guy? Your eyes going bad in your old age?”

“I will spank you,” he threatens as he narrows his eyes at me. I can’t help but laugh.