Page 58 of Vicious Chaos

I put the extra piece of fabric in my mouth and use my now free hand to pull the knife out. I immediately apply pressure, keeping any blood from dripping onto the floor.

Rachel catches the flannel I toss to her and I grab the strip of fabric from my mouth and tie it tightly around the wound. It’s not ideal, but it will have to do for now. I take the flannel back from her and tie it around my waist.

I call Noah and he answers on the third ring.

“Baby girl.” I can hear the censure in his voice and already know he isn’t very happy with me. Oops.

“Hey, Handsome. You home?”

“No, why?” Shit. I didn’t think they would go anywhere.

“Do you have your laptop?” He should be able to still hack into the apartment’s security if he does.


Oh good. We could have made it work, but this will make it a lot easier on us to leave now. “I need you to hack into this apartment’s cameras and loop the footage for the next hour.” We don’t need that long but it’ll help obscure what time we were actually here.

He asks a few follow up questions but doesn’t say anything in regards to me going on this run. I know it’s coming. He’s just waiting until I’m back home.

He stays on the line until he’s done. “Alright, all good to go, baby girl.”

“Thanks, Handsome.” I hang up and turn back to Rachel and Alec where they are having a quiet conversation and looking at the dead bodies.

I start moving to leave and gesture for them to follow. I try to walk as normally as I can without putting too much pressure on my wounded leg. Every time I put my weight on it, pain shoots through it. It’s bearable but not comfortable.

“You want me to carry you?”

Even though I’m fairly sure it’s a genuine question, I flip him off. That would only bring more attention to us. I’ll be fine.

“We can take the elevator now.” That was the real purpose of calling Noah. The stairs sound like a nightmare.

I grab the knife I threw at the unexpected guest and slip it back in place at my hip.

“Clean up?” Alec asks.

“I got it,” I offer. I know they have their own crews for this sort of thing, but I already gave Mikey a heads up so they will already be working on something.

He gives me a confused look. “Not me,” I clarify. “I don’t do dead bodies.”

He splutters, the same way the guys always do, but Rachel wipes off her own blade and sheathes it. “Makes sense to me.”

I knew I liked this girl.

Goddammit Scar.

I swear it’s as if we can’t leave her alone for more than two minutes without her finding trouble.

Luca hasn’t come out of his room yet, so I set the note back down on the kitchen counter and head to the office. I don’t know if I should be happy or annoyed that she left me work.

It’s just too hard to stay annoyed at the woman. She knows us all too well now.

I sit down behind one of the monitors and immediately find what she was talking about.

The records she was able to hack into of Romano’s from a raid they did. This was the intel she had been using when she had gone rogue. It’s organized, but chronologically by dates. Just notes and records of transactions that Romano was keeping track of.

Scar wants me to reconfigure the information so that it can be more useful for us. It isn’t a hard task, almost boring. I already have a program I used in college that I can easily adjust to pull out key words and phrases to categorize them.

I get lost in the code and an hour passes before I even realize it. By the time Luca comes into the office and places a mug full of black coffee on the desk next to me, the hardest part is over and the rest is almost mind numbingly tedious.