I glare at him but he waves me off. “You know damn well we aren't going to be able to keep meeting here anyways.”
Eh, he’s not wrong. I just don’t like the way he said it.
Alec cocks his head. “Why’s that?”
Noah is the one who responds, "We have a lot more to go over today, including our new plan for taking out Romano.” We have to be careful on how much we give away to them. We may trust them, but we are keeping who I really am as strictly inside circle information. Rachel and Alec are not there yet.
Who knows if they ever will be?
No one wassurprised when Rachel and Alec were both eager to join in on the rest of our plans for the day.
After Scar told Adam he was being pulled back, we launched into how we were going to make the most of tonight. Adam was always at risk because of his position to Luca and Scar. Being the closest person to them that Romano went after, means he would be the first to be cast in suspicion when things start going wrong.
The sun is long past set when we are finally ready to start moving. I watch as Scar moves her way around the room, stopping with each grouping of people to make sure everyone is not only on the same page, but aware and comfortable of what their part is. This will be bigger and more dynamic than any of the runs I’ve gone on with them because of how many moving pieces there are.
Mikey and Ronan brought in some of their guys for this job as well to help mitigate the work each group will have to do. I recognize some of their faces, but don’t think I’ve ever spoken to any of them. Usually they only help us with body disposal and the cars. Cleaning up our tracks. I have a feeling we will all be getting a whole lot more familiar with each other over the next few months. Based on the excitement brewing through them, I don’t think they have a problem with that either.
Not that I can blame them. I have the same thrum of energy vibrating through my body and I can’t manage to keep the feral grin off my face. Just knowing we are striking back at this asshole is feeding a part of me I didn’t realize was starving for the blood and chaos.
Scar moves with the same intensity that I feel. It’s obvious in the smile that keeps sneaking out as she checks in with everyone and the way she bounces on the balls of her feet.
She makes her way to me and I beat Kade to snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her into my chest. Kade growls as he glares at me, but she just laughs as she leans into my touch.
She looks up at me, her green eyes sparkling with all of the bloodlust I know is running through her veins. The same that is running through mine. It’s easy to see how this rush can get addictive. Especially when I get to share it with her.
“You ready?”
My smile says it all. “Hell yeah I am.”
“You’re sticking with me and Kade on this one.”
I nod along with her words, already knowing this. Scar has this need to go over every aspect of the plan multiple times. She doesn't believe in overdoing prep. “You got it, Bosslady.”
Kade smirks behind her as she rears back with a narrowed gaze. She pins me with that deadly stare for a moment before the laughter bubbles up out of her and spills past her lips. I stay grinning at her. I knew she’d love the new nickname and I couldn’t help it after the way she commanded the whole room.
Twenty something people in here, and they all look to her for instruction.
Kade pulls her away from me and whispers something in her ear that I don’t quite hear. I roll my eyes as he kisses her cheek before turning away to intercept Luca as he heads back to his office.
Scar grabs my hand with hers and pulls me away from the bar and to her. I chuckle but grip her hips with my hands and pull her back to me as I step back and lean against the bar.
“We are going after some associates of Romano’s. It’s going to be a long night for all of us. Luca is going to stay…”
“Here at Steel Roses with Noah to clean house. Declan will meet them here when he leaves the clinic. Rachel and Alec are taking care of cleaning out Thorns. Holden, Ian, and Tyler are meeting Joe at the fights. Jade and Charlene are with the kids. Mikey, Ronan, and their guys will be setting up Romano’s safe houses, clearing them out. We need to be done by sunrise. I know the plan. I promise.”
She smirks at me. “You forgot the most important part.”
This girl. I can not with her. “Everything goes boom at the same time.”
I understand her need for perfection. I really do. I’m just ready to finally start moving. We are going to be working through the night most likely. Usually a thought that would make me want to quit. I love my sleep. But I can’t dredge up any ill feelings over pulling an all nighter.
Scar runs her hands over me, loosely checking all of my weapon placement, but I know her too damn well. I lean into her touch as I whisper in her ear, “If you want to run your hands all over my body, at least get me naked first.”
She throws her head back in laughter, drawing the eyes of everyone our way.
“I’m going to hold you to that, Ry.” She winks before withdrawing.
She calls everyone to attention before seeing each group out to complete their parts. We are the last to leave the club and head out.