Page 30 of Vicious Chaos

“Uh huh. You know exactly who did this, don’t you?”

Again, I just shrug. “It’s only a matter of time before the whispers turn into roars.”

“And mountains are moved?” he questions.

I lose the smile on my face, giving into the seriousness of my next statement. Letting it be the only real warning he will get. If he chooses to read between the lines. “And empires will fall.”

He whistles and a note of respect in his gaze tells me he understands exactly what I’m talking about.

I didn’t say which empires. I can see that knowledge in the careful look in his eyes and the tension lines that crinkle around them. I don’t assume we will be the winners in this fight. But either outcome will cause empires to fall. Not just one either.

I don’t think anyone is coming out this unscathed. It’s going to send ripples throughout not only St Graves, but all of the criminal underground as well. We are both too big of players for it not to. Especially when we’re dragging allies like the infamous Snow Queen into it. Not that Rachel enjoys that moniker much.

He places his hands on his hips and swings his gaze back to the devastation that was once our restaurant. “We will know more once we are able to sift through the damage, but it seems as if it was a gas leak. Started with a small explosion in the kitchen.”

I catch a flash of confusion that flashes across Holden’s face before he locks it down. I nod to the chief, acknowledging his words.

“I’ll work with Inspector Daines to ensure we know exactly what the cause was. I’ll have the full report sent to you as soon as we put it together.”

“Thank you, Chief. We really appreciate that. Be sure to stop by Steel Roses soon with Mary.” He and his wife are some of my favorite VIPs. Some of the few people who really just come to enjoy watching the dancers for the pure talent they have rather than just their sex appeal. Though, I know they both enjoy that aspect of it as well. Not that I can blame them. I have some gorgeous dancers.

“You dancing any time soon?”

I huff an irritated noise as soon as big hands wrap around my hips. “Not anytime soon. Especially after today,” Luca answers for me.

I understand why none of them want me on stage, especially the one that hangs over the lower level, I just hate it. I miss the rush I get from performing. It’s addicting in a totally different way than the high I get from kills. Instead of relishing in my broken pieces and using them as weapons, when I’m on stage, I can get lost in them.

I can act as if they don’t still cut me. Ignore them and pretend to be whole. To be normal. To be just a girl who lives and breathes dance. The girl I used to be.

Or, I can let myself bleed out on stage. I can make dance whatever I need it to be for me. Sexy, angry, heartbreaking. I’ve done it all at Steel Roses. Sure, mostly I stick to sexy and fun. There’s always a sensual edge to the way I move, but sex can be all of those things too. Emotional, heartbreaking, angry, soft. The story I choose to tell on stage is mine and mine alone to decide.

I miss the outlet. It isn’t the same dancing in the studio. Even if I am cherishing every moment I get to dance with Roe. Training her, watching her grow and accomplish new tricks, poses, and holds.

Not performing feels like I’m missing a part of myself.

I click my tongue and stay silent as the chief nods his understanding before shaking hands with Luca and walking away to his crew.

“One of yours?” Ty asks.

“Ours,” I correct on impulse. It’s not the time or place for that conversation with the guys, but they do need to understand that. Working as a team, understanding you are a part of a bigger machine, one piece that helps the whole thing function, makes a difference in the attitude you have towards it.

More security. More loyalty. More understanding.

I see the pride that overtakes all three of the men at my correction. “But yes and no, to answer your question.”

They all wait for more of an answer. One I’m not sure I want to give here. Luca slips his fingers under my shirt and rubs the sliver of skin on my hip just over the waistband of my jeans.

“Let’s just say he has excellent balance,” Luca answers cryptically.

“How hasit beenwaiting for an answer?” I ask, deliberately taunting William as soon as I push through the door in the warehouse.

He’s still alive. I didn’t have any doubts that he would be, but there was a risk. Always a chance I could have taken the wrong gamble. I can tell I made the right call as soon as I see the man though.

He looks both mentally and physically exhausted. He has lines on his face that weren’t there just days ago. His complexion is sallow, and his eyes and cheeks look sunken in. There’s no light left in his eyes, no more disgust or anger burning in him.

He doesn't answer me as he focuses on maintaining his precarious balance on the stool left just close enough for him to reach. I grab one of the stools by the door, just slightly higher than the one under his feet now. I walk up to him and place it under his feet, before moving the old one out of the way.

His whole body sags as his full body weight is taken off of his arms for the first time in days. He pants with exhaustion, too fatigued to even cover up the relief I’ve just provided with him.