Page 127 of Vicious Chaos

“Out, now!” Scar repeats. “That wasn’t us!” She stops at the corner of the building, trying to get a better view of what’s happening. I hate that she’s separated from us and alone.

He continues urging the girls to leave their stuff and move, but it doesn't sound like they understand what happened. They don’t realize the building is on fire yet.

“Alec,” Rachel cries, begging for him to listen. “There’s smoke, get out.”

Nothing about this situation feels right any longer. I should have listened to my gut back in the car, but I thought it was just because he was being so quiet. I’m not used to having to sit back and wait very often.

“Luca,” Scar demands. “Cover us and be ready to tear out of here.” She pulls her own gun out of her waistband and the rest of us follow suit except for Rachel. She’s too shaken, holding onto me as if her life depended on it, to be trusted with a weapon anyways.

“You’re covered,” he responds immediately. “I see no sign of movement.”

“Coming out the front,” Alec finally says.

“Move it,” she commands. “Something is wrong.” She keeps her eyes on the building and her gun raised as she begins to slowly walk backwards and towards us. Keeping her hand out in a gesture to stop us from moving to her.

Another rumble shakes the ground. A louder boom vibrates through the air. We still can’t see any of the damage, meaning they must have been fairly small explosions, but more smoke begins to fill the air.

“No,” Rachel whispers. “Alec, hurry,” she begs.

What was supposed to be a fun way to release some of the adrenaline has fast turned into one of our worst nightmares. A run going very very wrong.

Flames begin to lick out of the windows at the side as more smoke plumes above the building.

“What the fuck is happening?” Scar curses.

It’s been less than a minute since the first blast, but every second seems to drag out as we wait for Alec to come out the front.

“Back door was just flung open,” Luca notifies us. “A girl by herself,” he continues.

“Alec,” Rachel whimpers. Screams fill the line, drowning out the sounds of him breathing.

“Almost to the front, Moonshine,” he responds immediately. Her shoulders sag with her relief.

His coughing fills the line. With every passing second the amount of smoke doubles and is quickly filling the building.

The ground shakes again as the biggest explosion shakes the building in front of us.

Rachel drops my arm as she screams. Flames erupt from every direction, shooting into the sky in a giant ball of fire as the building explodes. Glass and ash reign down on us.

I instinctively hit the ground, pulling Rachel with me and turning to look for Scar. Rachel’s heart rendering sobs fill the air as she screams Alec’s name. A sharp cry of agony as her eyes don’t leave the flames now devouring the building in front of us. Desperate for him to respond. I reach for her, trying to cover her with my body but she pushes me away.

She jumps to her feet and I yell after her, scrambling to chase after her as ash falls and burns my skin.

Scar is already on her feet, running to intercept her. She catches Rachel around the waist, the force almost taking both of them to ground as she stops her from running into the flames of the collapsing club. Rachel screams as she tries to fight Scar to get to Alec.

Each cry louder and more desolate than the last. I freeze only a few steps away from them as Scar holds onto her for dear life. Black tears stain Rachel’s face as her fear mixes with the ash on her skin.

My heart seizes in my chest as I watch her completely break.

Her long nails dig into Scar’s arms as she fights to get away from her and chase after Alec. Tiny droplets of blood form on Scar’s skin and I don’t think she even feels it as she puts everything she has into holding Rachel back. A part of me wants to help, know I should hate that Rachel is hurting my girl. But a bigger part of me knows that none of us can hold anything against Rachel right now. Not a single one of us would be able to hold it together if it were Scar in that building right now.

“Alec, please still be there,” Scar pleads. A plea that resonates with all of us as we hold our breath and I pray to whatever god or devil may listen that Alec somehow survived that.

A gruff cough starts, and I breathe an immediate sigh of relief. “We need Declan!” I yell.

“He’s coming,” Luca says. I turn to find him right behind us.

“Alec, please talk to me,” Rachel begs. The only sounds we can hear are the crackle of the fire and his heavy breathing and coughs.