Page 125 of Vicious Chaos

The drive goes by fast. Almost too fast when Scar clears her throat.

“One more time,” she insists.

Everyone, save Luca, ribs her but it lacks the usual ire that often comes with her obsessive need to go over plans. It obviously works since we were able to pull off the impossible today.

“I’ll go in first,” Alec starts as everyone calms down.

“Still hate that,” Kade complains.

Scar waves him off. She wasn’t exactly thrilled about it either, but in the end, it made the most sense. She and Rachel would garner far too much attention the second they walked into that demon infested pit. Kade and Luca’s faces are also too well known to be dismissed. It came between Alec and me. We sparred in the rings for it, and he won fair and square. Can’t bitch about it now.

“I’ll get a feel for the place, where the girls are kept, how many there are. Eliminate any immediate threats and let you know when to come in,” he continues.

“At his signal, Ryder and I will focus on getting any of the girls out, while the rest of you get to have fun,” Kade adds.

“Save for me,” Luca notes. “I’ll be out here, monitoring to make sure no surprises interfere.”

Scar nods in satisfaction. “I’ll lay out the C4 and then we get ready for the second boom of the day.”

She’s far too gleeful for the subject matter. Then again, so am I.

I see the neon sign up ahead and Kade starts to slow the car. Rachel grabs Alec’s shirt and holds it tightly, pulling him back to her as he starts to climb over the seat.

She slams her lips to his. The catcalls are instant as we cheer the two of them on. It’s nowhere near the first time we’ve seen the affection between them, but it is the first time she’s ever been the one to initiate.

It’s easy to see how the two of them fit together. The more time I spend with them, the more I understand how deep their connection truly runs. In some ways, even deeper than the one I have with Scar.

Not in a better or worse way, just different. They’ve shared more about their past, even though it’s obvious there are still secrets to be uncovered lurking there. But they’ve been in each other’s lives for a long time. Grown together through childhood, those awkward teen years, into adulthood.

He was at her side through losing her dad and building her empire. It reminds me a lot of Scar and Luca if Luca had a personality more similar to Kade’s.

Rachel and Alec fit so seamlessly together, when they’re like this it’s almost as if I can see where their souls are fused as one.

She finally backs away, an anxious look on her face that breaks up as she smiles and laughs softly at herself. “I’m not used to us splitting up.”

“I’ll see you soon, Moonshine,” he whispers just for her. “Try not to miss me too much.”

Her carefree attitude returns as easily as that. Her smile back in place as he drops a kiss to her exposed collarbone before climbing out from the back.

He stumbles as he falls in my lap. “Hey there, hot stuff.” He winks at me as he rests his arms around my neck.

I wink back at him. “Go get ‘em, gorgeous.” That’s all the warning he gets before Kade comes to a stop and I open the door to push him out. He’s laughing as he almost lands on his ass but catches himself.

He straightens and saunters toward the door of the club.

“Stay on your toes,” Scar reminds him.

He acknowledges her with a slight tip of his head as he walks away. All our eyes stay trained on him.

“So, Moonshine?” Kade breaks the silence to ask what we are all thinking. We’ve never heard Alec call her anything other than her name or Mistress. A babe or baby occasionally, but never Moonshine.

She huffs a laugh, not bothering to try and deflect. “He’s always said I was his light,” she explains with a small grin. “Even when we were kids. But I’ve never really been the sunshiny type.” We all laugh in agreement. It fits her.

We can see Alec shake his head as he still walks across the parking lot. “Don’t forget the way you burn in the best way, just like Moonshine as it goes down,” he teases before he disappears inside the building.

The tone in the car shifts as we all wait, listening to every little sound we can pick up through Alec’s comm. He’s able to enter easily, without having to show an ID or even answer any questions. Just has to pay the outrageous cover fee.

Unbidden Desires not only caters to the filthy rich and depraved, but the common person who may wander into any other strip club. It’s the perfect front for all of the other shit they do here. Things no one would ever be able to guess by the main room of this place.