Scar's larger than life. Everything about her current position goes against every single thing that I know and love about her.
I watch her take a deep breath and lower herself to the ground carefully. I move out of the cage, closing and locking the door behind me. The clang of the metal rings in my ears, echoing through to my soul and sending a shudder through my body. Goosebumps raise along my arms as I watch her carefully display herself.
Laying on her side, she’s carefully crumpled so her hair falls messily over her face, hiding her identity. She curls in on herself so the knives at the front of her thighs are hidden from sight. And finally she tucks both her hands underneath her chest, just below her chin.
She looks like every other drugged up girl locked in cages here. The beast inside of me rages. There's no choice though. Step one of the plan is complete.
Each breathI takeis staggered as I do my best to lay still and feign being unconscious. It’s harder as my excitement and adrenaline beat through me at a steady rhythm. Ready for all of the mayhem this plan is going to bring.
I feel extra grateful to Rachel as I lie here in wait. I don’t know if I ever would have gotten the guys to finally cave to this idea had she not had my back every step of the way.
I never argued against it being insane, just that it was possible and exactly what we needed. Romano will have no choice but to run to his elite clients. They won’t be here at such a grand and ostentatious event. Not when they are the faces of the nation.
Everything they do will be behind closed doors, with only the most trusted in their small circles to witness their heinous natures.
With this one plan we will knock Romano off of his feet and ensure he hits rock bottom. That he has no choice but to cower behind their coattails. And then, the real game begins. We follow his tracks and find everything that I’ve longed to know for the past eight years. Finally it feels like I’m not chasing shadows and might actually get the revenge I so desperately crave.
I relax my body further as I hear heavy footsteps approaching. I keep my eyes open enough only to be able to make out the ground in front of me through the strands of my hair. There’s no way I could effectively mimic the same vacant gaze that is in all of these girls’ eyes from the drugs they’ve been pumped full of.
The chain weighs heavily against my neck, the cold metal biting into my delicate skin. I know how much Kade hated putting it on me, and it isn’t like I’m a huge fan either, but it’s vital for the first step of getting out of this cage.
I can hear the low rumbling of the crowd as they begin to settle into their seats, excited for what they’re gonna see today. Dare told us just how enthralled everyone was about this event. No wonder Romano hasn’t been able to make any moves. He’s spent all his time building these people up for a spectacular event. I almost wish we could see what else he has planned.
I have a sneaking suspicion they won’t like our changes to the plan.
I hear the distinct sound of a microphone being turned on. I’ve been around enough of them to recognize it. A hush falls over the crowd as a man starts talking, getting the crowd buzzing with their excitement for the best round of girls they’ve ever had and a few surprises mixed in.
Surprises, huh?
There sure are going to be some pretty surprised people in that room. That’s for sure. The music starts playing softly as the man on the stage introduces the first girl. Apparently, the girl whose place I took is only fourteen. Anger runs hot as I think about Jade. Her own story brought back to the forefront of my mind.
The music builds, growing louder as I reach center stage. I grin. I know I could count on Noah to make sure the song playing would beFalloutby UNSECRET and Neoni. It was too perfect for it not to be the soundtrack of their demise.
No one will be escaping. We made sure of that.
No one notices anything odd about the music, too focused on the man unlocking the cage and opening the door. He doesn’t move towards me, instead grabbing hold of the metal chain to pull me to him. This is it.
Everything relies on me getting this moment right.
He tugs once. I don’t let my body move. Not even a bit.
He tugs twice. Harder. I let my shoulder roll.
He sighs, shaking the chain as if I’m a rag doll. Attempting to wake me up from what he believes is a drug fueled haze.
I slowly start shaking my head, using the motion to cover me moving both grenades to my mouth. The anticipation of the crowd grows. I can almost feel it infecting my veins like a jolt of electricity. My own adrenaline beats like a steady drum.
I lift my head, spitting the pins of both grenades. They hit the metal floor with a soft clink that shouldn’t be as loud as it was but seems to echo in my ears. I only have about four seconds to get rid of them and my aim better be damn good.
I unfold my body, rising to my feet with a grin.
The goon in front of me stares in shock. Too stunned to react as I throw both grenades straight into the crowd. No one is quite sure what just happened.
The man announcing stutters into the mic, trying to calm everyone. It won’t last.