Page 117 of Vicious Chaos

“We have a new part of the plan,” she announces.

“Oh fuck no. I refuse,” curses Alec immediately. Rachel rolls her lips into her mouth, smashing them together to hide her smile, but she doesn’t roll her eyes. She agrees with him.

Nicholis scoffs. “Haven’t you been the one this whole time saying to memorize the plan because it wasn’t changing?”

“Fucking hell,” Scar curses. “Did you skip your naps today or something?”

Noah laughs softly and I grin. It’s easy to see Alec’s thought process as he reels back. “Umm yeah,” he responds. “Every day since Rachel here decided to show up on your doorstep all a mess.”

She flips him off, but Luca cuts in before the conversation can be entirely derailed. It’s a constant problem when we’re all together. “You idiots don’t have to do anything. Just shut up and listen.”

Dammit. He’s totally getting fucked tonight if the look Scar is giving him is anything to go by.

“Noah was able to track down possible locations for Romano. Him and Declan have been working on narrowing it down to find where he’s actually been staying. After they found out about the theater, they were able to use that as a point to track him. Long story short, they found him. He’s staying at the hotel on the corner of Lambert.”

Alec stutters in his shock and Rachel’s eyes widen. Jade straight up gasps, “Bullshit." Which makes Ian and Holden both laugh and trade looks. It doesn’t last long though as Holden’s smile immediately drops and his eyes hit the floor. Jade catches the interaction and some of her shine dims too. Fuck.

“Continue,” I call out. “You haven’t gotten to the best part yet.”

Rachel squeezes Jade’s leg. I get the feeling she can understand Jade more than any of us right now. I’m glad she’s been there for her. Jade needs all the people she can get in her corner.

“Right, right,” Scar starts again. “So while we are doing our thing tomorrow, Joe, and Jade?” she stops to turn to Jade. “If you want,” she offers before continuing. “Will be going to the hotel and leaving Ciar’s body there for Romano to find.”

“Who’s body now?” Jade mumbles.

I forgot we never told her about that small detail after everything. Seemed like she had enough going on. Ian and Holden are both glaring at Scar now. I clear my throat, staring both of them down. Meeting Ian’s eyes first and holding them before turning to Holden and arching a brow.

Holden backs down but Ian still seems ready to say something. Jade isn’t rattled though. Just shocked. He’s lucky that I know he thinks he’s defending his girl. If it were any other reason, he thought he could look at my girl with that expression, I’d have to beat him senseless. It would be a moral obligation.

“Ciar’s,” Scar repeats, her eyes a bit wider and her voice a bit higher.

“Uh huh,” Jade murmurs, nodding. “He’s been dead for like,” she hesitates.

“Like five weeks,” I fill in for her.

“Right,” she drawls slowly. “So, why do we have his body?”

Scar squints as she looks at her. Declan stands at her side, trying not to laugh. It was his idea after all. Guess we put all that medical knowledge to good use. “We thought that it might come in handy.”

“Right.” Jade nods. “Totally normal train of thought. Not bizarre at all. And umm, where has this body been?”

“Oh, in the freezer obviously.”

“And she thinks she’s a Hufflepuff?” Ian mutters, shaking his head. Okay okay, he’s cool now. We’re cool. That was fucking funny.

“I think I’ll pass on the handling of my almost murderer’s body. Thanks for thinking of me though,” Jade answers. It makes me smile how much sass she has now.

“Really?” Scar asks in genuine bewilderment. “If I had my almost murderer’s body at my feet, I would carve him—them? — up like a turkey, set their pieces on fire, and then dance the Macarena around them while they burn.”

I open my mouth and raise my finger before dropping it and closing my mouth. I try again but just shake my head.

“Wait, really? No one else?” She looks around at everyone.

“No, Scar,” Ian teases her. “None of the rest of us have the urge to play with dead bodies.”

Ry shrugs. “I mean, I’m not against her idea. Not sure about the Macarena though if I’m being honest.” He’s really growing in her image. I’m not sure if we should all be impressed or terrified that he may one day be as bad as she is. I’m kind of looking forward to it if I’m being honest. Kinda jealous I didn’t get to go to their last murder party.

“Not to interrupt this fascinating conversation,” Nicholis cuts in, “but if you know where Romano is, why aren’t you just slicing his throat in his sleep? Isn’t that your specialty, Little Bug? Assassinations.”