Page 115 of Vicious Chaos

We don’t know how many times Dare is going to have to go in to get the information we need. But we are as prepared as we can be for every possibility.

“I’m ready,” Dare promises.

Scar nods. “We will be right outside. We have enough backup to take out everyone in this damn building if you give us the sign.”

It turnsout fourshifts was the magic number.

Every night, Dare came out with useful information. William was dead on with his assessment of what Romano’s next steps would be.

Because of Dare, we were able to save several of our people’s lives, prevent Romano from stealing one of Rachel’s shipments, and now we finally have all of the information we needed for what his big move is.

He really is going large. His image has always been the most important thing to him and showing the world that he is still a person to be feared, a person with power, is of course going to be his biggest priority.

He wants the narrative to be that we are nothing but an annoying gnat flying around his head. Pesky, bothersome, but nothing to be concerned about.

In order to emphasize what he wants people to think, he’s holding the largest auction he’s ever held. We’d heard whisperings of it, but nothing concrete enough to solidify our plans. Not until tonight.

Dare came out of the club, covered in sweat and glitter, and a triumphant smile on her face. Real and genuine, raw with more emotion than I’ve ever seen. She climbed into the back of the van and immediately launched herself at Scar, wrapping herself around her.

The pair of them dissolved into laughter as Dare told us everything she overheard. She even managed to steal a ticket from one of the men there. She handed it over immediately, satisfaction rolling off of her in palpable waves.

She finally admitted to just how disgusting she found the club. She had kept a brave face in front of us after every other night, but she let it all go tonight. And then secured a promise from all of us to shut this place down as soon as we followed through with our plan for the auction.

That was already part of the plan, but it was obvious she needed the reassurance. After we dropped her back off at her place, ensuring she was safe there, we met back at the house.

Now, we sit in the office, the room filled to the brim with all of us. It almost makes me laugh at how much our duo has grown. It’s insane to think how we started this just the two of us.

I let my eyes rove over Letty appreciatively. She’s bouncing in her seat as she shares with everyone the plans Dare uncovered for us.

Romano is going to host the event right here in St Graves. He really is eager to die. I wonder if he will have the balls to show up himself. I somehow get the feeling he won’t be there.

I could be wrong. He’s been present at auctions before. If he really wants to send the message about being untouchable, he should show up and show everyone in person just how unaffected he is.

Of course, we already know just how much of an act that really is. He’s probably losing his mind, trying to grasp at straws to find a way to defeat us. I guess only time will tell before we know if he shows his pathetic face or not.

The man has a flare for the dramatics, I’ll give him that. Putting his show on in an abandoned theater? How very symbolic of him. I have to wonder if that was on purpose or just because of the convenience of a stage already being prepared. Either way, it’s still disgusting, but notable.

Scar and Noah were easily able to access the blueprints of the building since it was public property at one point. No one really knows what happened to it, but it’s laid vacant and untouched for years now.

Romano is apparently beginning to spruce it up for this whole farce of an event.

Rachel walks into the office,followed by Nic and Alec just as Ryder adds points under Noah’s and Declan’s names on our white board. Assholes both got a hundred points.

Not that they don’t deserve it, but I’ve never gotten a hundred points at one time before. Kinda pisses me off now that I think about it. I do cool shit. I’m helpful.

“What’s this?” Rachel asks when she sees all the points under our names.

“A score board,” Ryder answers, capping his marker.

She gives him a droll look as she takes a seat at her usual spot. “No shit,” she replies sarcastically. “For what?”

“We get points for doing helpful, and or cool shit,” Scar explains. I shrug, I guess that simplifies it pretty easily.

“What the fuck?” Alec yells as he drops down on to the couch next to me. I can always tell what kind of mood he is in based on where he sits. Apparently, he does not feel like working much today. If he did, he would’ve taken the seat next to Rachel. Not that I can blame him.

I think we are all over the planning aspect of this run, no matter how much I’m not looking forward to tomorrow, I am looking forward to the long days and even longer nights to be over.

“I do cool shit,” Alec argues. “I’m helpful. Why don’t I get points?”