I sigh, but finally cave as I give her a brief rundown of the war that is happening. The blows we’ve traded, the gist of our plan, the intel we’ve collected so far. I don’t give too many details, we would be here forever. But I give her enough that she truly understands the scope of what she’d be risking if she did get involved.
When I finish, she sits back in her chair and stares up at the ceiling. Whatever is running through her head, I’m glad she’s taking the time to think about it all before responding.
Finally she takes a deep breath. “Everything you’ve said has only confirmed that I can help you.”
“What about the past you’re hiding from, Dare? Huh?” I ask outright. “I’m not an idiot either. I know there’s something or someone you don’t want finding you here. I can’t let you risk wasting the hard work you’ve put into building this life here.”
She scoffs, blowing off my words off. “My past isn’t going to catch up to me that quickly. I’m better at covering my tracks than that.”
I’m still hesitating. But she seems serious about this. More serious than I’ve ever seen her before. “I’ll hear you out,” I concede.
She claps her hands together in excitement. I smother my smile at her enthusiasm. “The way I see it, the biggest obstacle is getting the information on whatever big event Romano is planning. Right?”
I nod my head slowly. “We know he’s planning some type of big auction event, but he’s keeping it tightly under wraps. The where and when are being given only to his biggest clients right now.”
“Exactly,” she responds excitedly. “You need an in, I’m your in.”
I’m already shaking my head. “Dare, it’s not going to be an open event and he will know you’re a dancer here.”
“I’m not going to seek Romano out.” She rolls her eyes in exasperation. “If it were that easy you would have done it by now.”
I wait her out, ready for her to spit out her idea. Whatever it is, she’s nervous to tell me. Her arms are wrapped around her waist and her teeth dig into her bottom lip.
“Have you heard of Unbidden Desires?”
“Oh, absofuckinglutely not, Dare!” I jump out of my seat and start pacing. “Are you fucking for real? Haveyouheard of that place?”
She runs her hand through her hair. “I know it’s a shitty club,” she starts.
“That doesn’t even cover it, babe! It’s not just cheap. They have girls they’ve trafficked there. No one is protecting you. No one cares about you there. It isn’t like here.”
“I know, Scar. I swear I do. But I dug into it before I brought it up. Romano, his friends, his associates, his clients, they all go there. If I start working there, I just know that I’ll be able to get the information you need.”
It’s a good idea, a great idea even, but there’s too many risks. I sigh and flop back onto the couch. “I don’t know. I don’t think I can agree. There’s danger on all sides.”
“It’s no different than what I do here. You’ve always asked all us girls to keep an ear out for anything that sounds interesting from the VIPs.”
I side eye her.
“Okay, fine. It’s totally different. But I’m inherently selfish. I put myself first, always. I’ve been taking care of myself for a lot of years. If I didn't think I could do this, I would never offer.”
Everything she just said is how I’ve always known Dare to perceive herself. Of course I don’t think it’s a bad thing either. I could see she was in survival mode. Who am I to judge what someone else does to survive?
It’s not like my hands are clean.
“That’s why I don’t understand the sudden change.” This offer doesn’t fit with the girl I’ve known. The girl fighting demons and trying to bury them. The girl who wouldn’t go out of her way for anyone, let alone risk herself.
“You changed.”
I flip her off. “I also got five boyfriends and a daughter that forced me too.”
She shrugs. “Then don’t think of it as me changing. I’m as selfish as I’ve always been. I selfishly want to help give you the best shot to end this war for me. I spent a long time running. St Graves is the first place I was able to hide and stay. To grow roots. I like my life here. Like being a part of what you and Luca built. I could stay because I’m a Rose. So let me be a Rose, Scar. Let me bleed for you. I spent years bleeding for someone I hated, at least this time it’s my choice.”
“Fuck you,” I huff. How the fuck could I say no to that?
“Is that a yes?” she asks excitedly.
“A yes to what?” Luca asks as he walks into the office.