Page 102 of Vicious Chaos

She pastes a wicked smile back on her face as she moves away from me, bypassing our table and sliding up behind Dare and smacks her ass as she walks away from Jade.

I’ve noticed it before, but it becomes all the clearer in this moment as the two women stand next to each other. They carry themselves in very similar ways. Projecting a carefree, fun loving image while they push down the heavier emotions they feel.

“She’s been here for years,” Luca explains as he stands at my side. “One of our first hires. One of Scar’s first,” he hesitates, “friends.” Kade has already told me all about the history between our girl and this dancer.

At first it didn’t seem so bad. Until he kept talking. The two of them never knew when enough was enough. Forever pushing each other further into some truly ridiculous situations the way Kade tells it.

I can see why having two women to watch out for when they have the same mindset as Scarlett did when we first met could get dangerous quickly.

“Looks like she’ll be around more often.” I point out.

Luca and Kade exchange looks as Kade openly laughs at the idea. “I wouldn’t be too sure of that.”

I shrug as we drop the conversation and sit down at the table with the others. It’s easy to be in the group now. When I first followed Scarlett into her world, I wasn’t all that confident that she needed me.

Not after seeing how many she had orbiting around her. How well they all worked together. It didn’t seem like there was room for more. Like maybe I didn’t have a place at her side.

She meets my eyes from where she sits with Kade. Her eyes lighting up as they meet mine and it makes me realize all over again how unfounded my doubts were. We all have our place as we surround each other. There are enough loud personalities in this group that I can sit back and watch their antics unfold.

I smirk as Scarlett starts teasing Jade about being squished in between Ian and Holden. Something spooked her just a few minutes ago and I saw how Scarlett sent Adam to go look through security footage. Now, she’s switched to trying to distract Jade by hinting that she knows more about her and Ian than Jade has told her without outright saying it. I don’t think Jade has quite caught on to it based on how flustered she is. Britt has though. Think everyone else has too.

I’ve never been a crowd type of guy. Always did better alone. Not surrounded by people. It was one of the biggest issues with my family. I can do it, but I used to hate these types of scenes. Any type of event with a lot of people.

I’ve never felt more relaxed as I sit back in my seat, taking a deep swallow of my beer.

Luca’s shoulder bumps against mine. “Have you met Candy?”

I shake my head, I don’t think I have anyways.

“She’s in nursing school,” he explains. I nod along as he tells me more about her. Where she’s going to school, how far into the program she is.

“If you don’t have anywhere to send her, I can get her an internship at the clinic. Or the hospital depending on what she wants.”

Luca smirks and I know that’s exactly why he brought it up to me. I respect how much he and Scarlett care for their people.

The rest of the night passes much the same way. There's light conversation, a lot of teasing, more laughter and a good number of drinks consumed. As per usual, things take a turn to the ridiculous when Brittany and Scarlett get a few drinks in them and decide to start sorting everyone into their Hogwarts Houses.

The two of them stare at each other seriously. “Obvious ones first?” Scarlett says with a brow raise.

Britt nods. “Jade?”

“Gryffindor,” they both say at the same time, making Jade giggle.

“Ian too,” Scarlett adds.

“And Kade,” Britt says.

“What?” he stutters and everyone at the table scoffs.

“Oh, hell yeah,” Scarlett shouts before patting him on the thigh. “For sure Gryffindor energy from our golden retriever.”

He rolls his eyes but doesn’t argue back.

“Ronan too?” Scar asks.

Britt hums thoughtfully, taking longer to decide but finally agrees, “But Mikey is definitely Ravenclaw.”

Scarlett drinks down more of her whiskey. “Absolutely. With Holden and Noah.”