I’m almost done making the chicken piccata when she finally speaks up about what’s obviously been on her mind this whole time. “It was my ex-husband.”
I stop what I’m doing to give her my full attention, only managing to hide my shock from all of the practice I’ve had at keeping my mask in place.
She gives me a small nod and a sad smile. “I was eighteen when I got married. It seemed like the better alternative. My mom wasn’t a bad person, she just didn’t know how to love me more than herself. It caused a lot of damage that took me a lot of years to even see.”
I wipe my hands on a dishtowel and move back to the island to sit with her. She’s never offered much about her family or her past to me. I’ve never asked, but it’s clear she needs this. Needs someone to know. To feel close to on this level. To just listen and care.
“I was lonely, craving a love I had only ever seen on television or read about. When my ex came into my life, he gave me all of those things. The attention I had never had before. I knew he wasn’t perfect, knew he had his flaws, but I had this idea that love was about loving someone through their flaws. Loving him even when it hurt me.”
Her eyes get this far away look as she thinks about that time. About the innocent and naive girl she was. Broken without ever realizing it. I can guess where the rest of this story leads based on the look, she gives me.
“Young girl, impressionable and desperate for love. An older man in a position of power who acts like he can give her the world. We got married six months after meeting. My mom gave me a side eye but didn’t care enough to really say anything. I think a part of her was relieved she no longer had to care for me. I wasn't her problem anymore.”
She runs her hands over her arms as she admits that. I text Mikey and Ronan when she isn’t looking. She’s going to need their comfort after this conversation. Having a friend means a lot. Vital to keep your sanity. But they can give her something I can’t. I can support her, but they can soothe her. I want them to be prepared for what they’re coming back to so they can give her everything she needs.
“It didn’t take long for the abuse to start. I wanted to leave but had nowhere to go. It took me longer to get away than the good parts of our relationship lasted. A lot longer. Looking back, it was so obvious.”
“Britt, how did you get away?” I’m mostly asking because I want to know if the fucker is still alive. By the look she gives me, I can tell she knows it too.
“I saved up money. Took out twenty dollars here and there at the grocery store. The money from his laundry. Pocketed it away until I had enough to make it across the country. And no, there was no justice. I never even tried to report it because he was a cop.”
Of fucking course he was. He probably targeted her specifically, knowing her situation. Recognized the signs of neglect. Sick bastard.
“Before you even ask, I’m fairly sure the guys already killed him.”
I grin and she laughs. “I never even gave them a name.”
“We’re a rather resourceful crew if you haven’t noticed.” She gives a droll look, but I shrug it off. “I am surprised they didn’t come to me though.”
She snorts. “They probably didn’t want you to steal their kill.”
I consider it for a second. “Fair.”
She’s laughing and I join her. It feels as if the heavy topics dissipate in the air around us as we get back to our regularly scheduled programming of sarcasm and bullshit. It’s here in this moment, more than any other time, I’ve been able to see and appreciate how similar we really are.
Britt doesn’t need me to fill her ear with how sorry I am she had to go through that. Doesn’t want to use my shoulder to cry on, though for her, I’d allow it. There’s not a whole long list of people that can claim that. She just needed me to know. To understand this part of who she is. To see more of what makes her who she is the way she’s accepted all of us.
Mikey and Ronan walk into the kitchen only a few minutes later, a wary expression on both of their faces. I can tell my text worried both of them. I would feel bad, but I just don’t. Britt might be smiling now, but I can see the way talking about her past has drained her. She’s not going to recharge by calling me a cunt. Mikey and Ronan are the best people for her to be with. Even if I did call them away from a job. Ryder and Luca can figure it out on their own.
Will they like it?
Do I care?
Not really, no. As long as it’s not me on cleanup duty and my friend has what she needs, I’m happy. I can make it up to the other two later in more creative ways.
Britt looks up at them just as I finish packing away the last of the dinner for tonight. “David is dead, isn’t he?”
A small, surprised snort escapes before I tamp it down.
Both men’s eyes go wide as they stare at her in shock. Their oh shit moment is obvious.
“The thing is,” Ronan starts to hem and haw.
Mikey cuts a glance at me before giving his attention fully to her. “Yes,” he answers simply and decisively. Even if I can see the worry still etched in the corners of his eyes. He isn’t going to beat around the bush.
Someone hurt his girl, they did what had to be done.