Page 78 of Vicious Chaos

Noah ignores me, bopping Roe on the nose. “Let’s not use those words again. Okay? Not until you’re older and understand them.”

I expect her to ask why, but she just shrugs before asking to be put down so she can run after the boys.

Well, that wasn’t so bad.

None of us will be surprised if in a few days we get a call from the school.

I havea wholenew reason to despise Romano.

Not that I believe enjoying killing people is a good thing in any way, shape, or from. Not as a coping mechanism, or an outlet. Really not as anything. But I do. I can’t help the fact that I’m as broken as I am.

The thrill I get from wielding my blade, the blood on my hands, watching the life fade from some sick fuck’s eyes, is unlike anything else. Sometimes it’s even better than sex. Sometimes. Every once in a while. When it’s like a really good kill, or someone who just deserved to die.

Like when I killed that twat, Taylor. That was better than sex.

Maybe because it was both.

Regardless, even if I know it’s wrong. Killing is therapeutic for me. It’s a release, a high, it brings me joy. Except now it has started to feel tedious. Like I’m wasting time and energy eliminating peons that don’t even matter. Amateurs that don’t deserve a moment of my time or recognition, let alone being killed by me. That’s a fucking honor that none of these bitches have earned.

Not like I can just let them live though. Not when they’re begging for death, doing stupid shit like trying to follow us to go see the kids. The fact they weren’t aware of where we headed changes nothing. It was still stupid and reckless and most importantly, poorly fucking executed.

Romano is really taking the joy out of my murders. The fun out of funerals. I know that bastard is doing it on purpose too.

He’s sending these assholes that don’t know their thumb from a horse’s ass to keep us busy. To keep our resources stretched. To keep all of us exhausted and looking away from whatever the fuck he’s doing.

He underestimates our power, but I can’t lie and say it isn’t fucking annoying. Makes me want to kill the bastard that much more.

Whispers are starting of his big move. The auction that will put all previous ones to shame. No one knows when or where, or even for sure that it’s Romano. The rumors haven’t started spreading yet. Just the slightest breeze of information, stirring up the masses dying for a show.

I know he’s behind it. Know it’s a well thought out tactic he’s detailed and planned out, probably countless times. He wants this to be his biggest ever showing. The most exclusive, the most talked about, big enough to stop any inkling that he isn’t the super power he claims to be in our world.

They want a show, we will give them one. I can guarantee it won’t be the one Romano had planned.

There’s a bitterness rising in my chest as I think about it. I bet his death will be sweet. It’ll give me that satisfaction back. It’ll give me everything that I’m missing as I gear up to go dispose of Ryans.

Big hands land on my shoulders. I look up to find bemused gray-blue eyes looking back down at me. “Stop muttering about dismembering Romano, pretty girl. I need to check over your leg before you finish suiting up.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m fine, Lover boy. I swear.”

He shakes his head. “Not the way to get me to do things your way.” He moves in front of me and drops to his knees in front of me. His hands land on my thighs, easing them apart until he can start to unwrap the bandage over my healing wound.

“Sorry, Doctor Daddy. I could get on board where this is headed,” I tease. His knuckles graze over my jean covered pussy and I immediately regret teasing him as he flicks me.

“Get your head out of the gutter,” he chastises as his fingers continue to press gently down around the wound. Testing my reaction to the pressure while also checking on the healing and ensuring there are no signs of infection. The wound doesn’t feel great. It still hurts to put weight on my leg, running is not something I look forward to, but it’s possible. I’m not out of commission.

D sighs, obviously in agreement even if he wishes he wasn’t. I can tell he’s not feeling like himself because he didn’t reprimand me anymore for the teasing. If the guys had it their way, I would be wrapped in bubble wrap 24/7.

I look around and see Ry and Kade are already suited up and ready to go, both throwing me slightly anxious glances as they watch Declan checking my wound. Flashes of our last adventure after a run spark in my mind. A shiver runs down my spine.

Based on their smug grins, they know exactly where my mind just went too.

They slip their earpieces in while Declan helps me finish getting everything snapped and belted in the right places. Making sure to cover all of my weapons so none of them are visible.

Declan and Luca also put in their earpieces. They’ll be staying in the car, acting as our lookout and backup, since Mikey and Ronan are with Rachel today. Noah will be here, looking over both runs and running interference where he can. Everything we need should already be set up. All in all, it should be an easy day for our team. Not so much Rachel.

We finish getting ready and leave at a leisurely pace. I’m not the only one that the thrill of this is starting to wear down after all of this shit. There is only one small thing I’m looking forward to today, and mostly only because of how ridiculous it is.

Ridiculous but effective.