“Absolutely not, Scarlett.” He says my name like a curse word, and I have a hard time keeping a straight face.
“What the fuck did we just walk into?”
I guess I missed Alec and Rachel walking into the room. I turn to find their perplexed expressions, Declan looks mortified. Even Noah is blushing. I throw my head back in a cackle. They could not have had better timing.
Kade stands behind them, not even the slightest bit guilty that he let them in when we were otherwise distracted. If he was trying to get me back for teasing though, he missed the mark. Only Declan and Noah are embarrassed.
“Perfect timing,” I say with a grin. “What about you, Alec? Any nicknames you prefer?”
Without missing a beat he answers, “My preferences don’t matter but Mistress likes to call me Pet.”
Rachel guffaws behind him, slapping his arm. “I do not!”
“She spanks me when I’m naughty.”
Rachel looks as mortified as Declan did only moments ago. Maybe even more so.
“I’m going to kill you,” she whisper shouts at him.
Alec must not have a fear of death though, because that glimmer stays in his eyes. He wraps his arms around her waist and traps her to his chest, faking a pout. “Please don’t tie me up, Mistress. I promise to be good.”
Rachel shakes her head, even as the rest of us are cackling. Tears spring to my eyes from how hard I’m laughing. Kade is doubled over. Poor Jade just looks shell shocked, like she doesn’t know whether to believe it’s true or not.
“You wouldn’t know good if it bit you in the ass,” she murmurs before pulling out of his arms, a small twist of her lips still evident. She can act annoyed, but she finds his antics as amusing as the guys find mine.
Rachel turns and focuses on me, ignoring the boys still giggling like school children. She stops to give Jade a small smile but then returns her attention to me. From the corner of my eye I see Jade blush but Ian gets up and moves over to her.
I understand Rachel’s intent. We have a long list of things we need to get through, and not a whole lot of time to get it done. If I want to see my girl tonight, we need to work fast.
“Let’s do this in the office,” I tell her as I get up off the couch.
The tone of the rooms shifts as everyone jumps back into being productive. Ian, Holden, and J, say their goodbyes. They’re gonna drive to the nearest tunnel entrance since we can’t exactly tell Rachel and Alec where they disappeared too.
As soon as we get to the office I dive straight into my thoughts from earlier. “Could it be one of your suppliers leaking the intel?”
Rachel and Alec trade looks. “It’s been three different suppliers,” she notes. “We have some thoughts on who’s doing this but no evidence.”
The way she says it, I can tell she doesn’t want me to dig more into what she just said. Meaning it is most likely someone from within her ranks. I study both of them for a moment before deciding that they’ve got this. It’s really not an us problem, if they need to lean on us for support, they need to ask for it. I won’t butt into their business. Not when it’s not hurting us.
“The first two hits were just nuisances,” Alec explains, changing the direction of the conversation. “This one was different. It won’t break us, but we sure do feel it.”
“Right,” I agree. “We know it has to be Romano, trying to weaken you and strengthen himself at the same time with the extra capital.”
“A few extra million for him to play with,” Alec mutters bitterly.
I whistle and shake my head. I knew they did well for themselves but damn. That is a lot of money to try and make up for.
I tap my fingers along the desk I’m sitting at. None of the guys have joined us yet, but I know they will as soon as they finish what they were doing. We are still finishing up our preparations for taking out Ryans tomorrow.
Trying to get the drugs back would be a waste of time. Romano probably planned for us to react that way and has already distributed most of them, or has a trap planned for exactly that.
The three of us spend about a half hour tossing around ideas on how to make up the loss of profit. We could raise the price of other drugs, but that won’t really make up the entirety of what they lost. Plus they could lose people that way.
After every idea has been shot down, we sit in silence, all of us lost in our own thoughts when it finally hits me.
“Eye for an eye,” I whisper, smirking. My eyes light up as I grin at Rachel. Confusion mars her face until she registers what I said.
A wicked grin to match my own stretches her cheeks. “A shipment for a shipment.”