Page 72 of Vicious Chaos

“I know why,” Jade singsongs behind him.

“Traitor,” he hisses at her, but she bursts out laughing. I can see the twitch of his lips that indicate he isn’t actually upset with her either. She must know it because she finally tells me what all the fuss has been about.

“Follow The Riveris an MM romance,” she explains.

“Jade,” he gasps in faux shock, his hand presses against his chest as he glares at her. “I thought we were friends.”

She giggles and a small feeling of pride washes through me at the warmth of the scene in front of me. Only a few short months ago, she never would have been comfortable in this setting. Never would have been sitting here joking and teasing one of the guys. Especially not the biggest guy currently in the room. But she has such an ease around all of us now.

Happiness looks good on her.

Even if she’s supposed to be my friend and not Kade’s. I guess I can allow it since it put that smile on her face.

“MM?” Ryder asks.

Jade’s smile gets impossibly wider. “It means it’s a romance between two male characters.”

“Ohhhh,” I exclaim, understanding finally dawning on me. “That’s why you didn’t want to tell me.” I snicker. I’m not the only one either. Kade takes all of the good natured ribbing without any issue.

My eyes light up as I look back and forth between Kade and Noah. “Well this information puts a whole new context to that…” Noah slaps his hands over my mouth, cutting me off from saying anything more.

Everyone laughs all the harder as he groans, “Come on, Scar. Not everyone needs to know everything about us.”

“I mean, I’m not opposed,” Jade snarks. I snort behind Noah’s hands, but he still refuses to move them. I wink at Jade and she dissolves into more giggles, not even bothering trying to stifle it.

Kade shakes his head as he looks between us both. “Your new nickname is going to be big mouth.”

I’m not exactly sure which one of us he’s talking to when he says that, but I choose to respond as if it’s me. Of course, Noah’s hands muffle my response so no one can understand me.

Kade smirks. “What was that?”

Ryder chuckles, trying to hide his smile behind his hand and failing. His eyes are shining far too brightly to hide how entertaining he finds us. “If I had to guess, I’d say she said something along the lines of I’ll show you a big mouth.”

I nod as I feel Noah’s body shake in silent laughter. I think they all might secretly hate me. Declan and Luca have taken to just ignoring us entirely. Dicks.

As if he heard my thoughts, Declan’s head pops up. “You can show me your big mouth anytime, pretty girl.” My mouth parts open behind Noah’s hand.

I stick my tongue out and lick his hand.

“Eww, Scar,” he chastises as he pulls his hand away and wipes it on his pants.

I roll my eyes. “I’ve had my tongue on far more intimate parts of your body, Handsome.”

Declan’s eyes glimmer, and I can tell he’s about to drop another line that I would normally assume would be coming out of Kade’s mouth. “You can have your tongue on all my intimate parts.”

I am not the only one shocked damn near speechless by Declan’s playful mood. Not that he isn’t ever like this with me, but hardly anyone else ever gets to see this side of him.

“Aren’t we feeling sassy today, Lover boy?”

His smile drops, but his eyes still shine. He wags a finger at me. “No. That is not going to be my nickname.”

“Don’t like it?” I taunt him. “Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy?”

He snorts, not even bothering to give me a response. “Who the fuck gave her a Tiktok?”

I grin looking between all the guys with their hands up claiming their innocence. “Ryder likes to watch it in the morning in bed.” Bus, meet Ry.

He throws me an affronted look but I just shrug. “Sorry Ry, Doctor Daddy asked. What was I supposed to do?”