Everyone turns to look at him. “One of them has to be hurt. It’s the only thing that makes sense for her to call for help after she’s already there. She was probably planning on leaving the same way they came but something must have happened that they can’t hide easily.”
We all trade looks. I’m the first to sigh. “Declan you go first. That way you can go stitch her up when you’re done.”
Ryder nods along with my words. “Okay, so we’re all in agreement it’s definitely her that got hurt?”
No one responds to him for a second as Mikey cleans his station and Declan starts removing his shirt. As they finish getting set up, Kade finally answers. “Yeah, she would have called for backup if it had been one of the others.”
Everyone nods. Even if it was a minor wound, she definitely would have at least called D by now to make sure he would be home to patch them up. She’s only ever not prepared when it comes to herself.
I think about the way she sounded on the phone. It was off, but not terrible. Anyone outside of us probably wouldn’t have even been able to hear it. I have to assume it isn’t that bad of a wound then, just hard to hide. Something she wouldn’t want caught on film.
“Anyone wanna take bets on what the wound is?” Kade grins as he asks. I guess we once again are all on the same page that it can’t be that bad. At least no one is flying off the handle. I smirk, but before I even open my mouth he cuts me off. “Not you, you have an unfair advantage.”
I scoff in disagreement, but Ronan backs him up. “You did get to hear her voice.”
“Fine,” I grumble.
“Has to be a knife wound,” Ryder muses. “Gunshot would draw too much attention. They would have been in more of a hurry. Not waiting for Noah to cover their tracks.”
“She could have broken something,” Ronan points out.
Kade hums in thought. “That would be easy to hide,” he points out.
Ronan shrugs as he finishes cleaning and disinfecting his station and begins wrapping everything. “Not if it was her leg.”
I start laughing, unable to hold in my thoughts. “She would have been frothing at the mouth had she done something like that. It would take her out of commission. It’s definitely not that.”
He gestures for me to undress and sit down in his chair. “Fair,” he acknowledges.
“I agree knife wound,” Declan says.
“Arm?” Luca questions and Mikey laughs.
“Are you forgetting about when she was shot in the arm, carried Roe, climbed a ladder, ran miles, and not a single one of us was aware she was about to pass out from blood loss?” I did not know that story and now I am slightly more concerned about her well being.
She may have sounded fine on the phone but sounds like she is an expert in the art of faking it until she makes it.
“Stomach would also be fairly easy to hide,” Ronan comments.
“Hurts like a bitch though,” Declan says. “Even her crazy would know better than run around with a stomach wound.”
“Would she though?” Kade questions. “Remember who she’s with.”
I snort. “The woman who showed up bleeding on our doorstep with a stomach wound.”
“I’m still betting leg,” Mikey declares. “Hard to hide the blood, especially if she’s in shorts like usual. Let alone the limp.”
“I don’t know,” Ryder muses. “I feel like stomach would also be hard to hide. No way she’d be walking normally and I think she’s exactly the type of crazy that would also show up on our doorstep bleeding and about to pass out, but she’d be smiling.”
“Fifty bucks it’s a knife wound to the thigh,” Mikey declares.
Ronan hums as he considers, “I’m betting she rolled her ankle.”
Ryder scoffs, “I’m sticking with stomach wound.”
Declan and Kade trade looks before nodding together. “We’re going thigh.”
Luca clicks his tongue. “Shoulder.”