Page 5 of Remember Home

“I had a problem and took care of it,”

“Corpsman- is that correct?”

“Yes sir, I jumped in front of his fist,” he said with a bloodied smile, looking at John. He grinned at the catty answer. This boy had potential!

“And you? Your hand magically discovered his broken nose?”

“Oh no sir, it was worse. I fell into his face when I tripped.”

“I see,” the nurse rolled his eyes and handed them icepacks. “You two are incorrigible and will be hurting something fierce.” The nurse walked off and John turned to the young man still clutching his nose, chuckling at the outrageous claim.

“Let’s get one thing straight: You ever kiss me again and I will break both my hands next time. Are we clear?”

“Sir? May I speak freely?”

“Go ahead.”

“Chicks like men with character but no more playing around, I swear it. The ladies like rugged and I figured you scored me a girl next time I’m on leave, eh?” Unfortunately for him, due to the broken nose it sounded almost unintelligible as he spoke.Mix wike men wif character. Ice wear id. Core me a curl ex time I’m on weave.

“Sure kid.” John nearly smiled at how foolish he looked and sounded. Had he ever beenthatyoung? “Now, you might have two black eyes if you don’t keep that icepack on there and stay quiet.”

“Got it,” he mumbled erratically and put the icepack against his face again.

Finger splinted and bone set, he headed to the small commissary that had been set up to get a bottle of Tylenol for himself. He could go to the doc to get it, but once he was done and hurting, both men would be looking for something to ease the ache. His temper had gotten the better of him and though he preached patience, he had a hard time practicing it. He bought the Tylenol and saw the tiny stand of postcards for men to easily drop word to their families. On a whim, he picked up one and paid.

Once back in the tent, he struggled to write a letter in response. He was right handed and it was the pinky on that hand. Cursing, he almost gave up. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, praying for patience.

“If you are listening, I need a little help. I want to get this mailed today and it’s important, okay?” he whispered awkwardly. It had been a long time since he’d asked for anything, feeling forgotten in the world. He managed to find a way to wedge the pen in his hand and began again.


I’m sorry this will be short, but I wanted to thank you again for your extreme kindness. You seem to know exactly how I am feeling because the items you sent remind me so much of the trees back home. I haven’t seen hardly any trees in a long time. Rocks. There are rocks everywhere here. It meant a lot that you sent another box. Radar loves her bone and I shared the gum with the guys.

He felt like he should say more but wasn’t sure exactly what.What did she look like?kept beating at his mind. Was she pretty? Why did she send another box or want a pen pal? Was she lonely? …like he was, he realized. John stared at the letter and re-read it again. Curiosity and hope were beating at him to know more about Lily. His hand was beginning to ache and throb from trying to hold the pen.

What does Mr. Hogan think of you writing the soldiers out here? I hope he is as gentle and kind a soul as you are. I can’t think of anything I need, but I appreciate the offer. Honestly, your letters are giving me something to look forward to and I would like to continue sending them.

John and Radar

P.S. – no paw today. I broke my finger.

John got up and whistled for Radar to join him. He was on a mission and determined to mail the letter as quickly as possible. The box had been postdated June 5thand it was already the 20th– just now receiving it. Fifteen days since she’d thought to mail it to him. He was curiously hopeful but for what, he didn’t know. He gave the letter quickly to the mail clerk and jogged back to his tent through camp. He hoped the letter made its way to her quickly, or at least left camp fast.

Fifteen days to get here, that meant potentially thirty days of silence until his letter got to her.That was entirely too long,he thought with a confused frown,too long for me to know what she says, or if she’s single.


July 2015

Tyler, Texas

It was sweltering, and the humidity had to be well over ninety percent. Walking outside of the house was like getting slapped with a hot wet towel. Stifling. Lily wished for the crisp autumn days, or perhaps early spring when everything was coming to life. Not this dreary, debilitating heat that hit Texas mid-summer. Her yard was suffering horribly, and her water bill outrageous. She had to water her garden thoroughly every evening as the sun was going down to keep her poor plants from cooking. Her tomatoes were wilting and the leaves on her rose bushes were curling. They would have a respite in a month or two if she was lucky, but until then it was just her versus nature, nursing it along.

Lily found herself trying to find ways to keep herself occupied, volunteering at the shelter just so she could love on some animals and give them back at the end of the day. She loved them but felt like she simply wasn’t the best fur-mommy they could have. She spent quite a bit of time at the school during the year and her only real free time was summer. She guessed that was why she was so tickled with the drawing of Radar’s paw print. It was something corny like she’d do, making her feel an instant comradery with the stranger.

Today was a free day for her. She had nothing planned and was completely caught up on the housework. These were rare days indeed! Usually she had something she had to do, from going to the grocery to pulling weeds or grading papers. But today was hers. She dug out the blow-up baby pool from last summer and inflated it, determined that if you couldn’t beat the heat? -you’d enjoy it! Her backyard was fenced, and backed up to a large field that hadn’t been developed yet. She had utter privacy and intended to lounge around all afternoon in a bikini that she’d never, ever, wear in public. If she was fortunate, she’d tan and not absolutely fry her pale skin.

She dug out several books, deciding on her favorite romance. She’d read this book over and over again. There was something visceral that spoke to her reading about a brash, arrogant, hardheaded man that had a tremendous soft spot for a woman who loved him. She adored this story! Oh yes, she was on her third paperback copy since the others had fallen apart due to her reading it. She knew what was coming and anticipated the scenes, feeling herself well up with hormonal tears at the end when he knew he loved her. She just got just sappy thinking about it.