Page 21 of Remember Home

You’re the best!

I’m a horrible cook, so I thought I’d get you something else…

It’s perfect.

YOU’RE perfect <3

You’re insane

I’m crazy for you, sweetheart.

Lily began to notice a pattern with him. John was outrageous because he was happy and wanted her to pay attention to him.How had he gotten through before?She marveled, thinking of him serenading her at the gas station in his police cruiser. Radar happily barked along the entire length of the song, as John sang off-key.

“Stop, you’re going to get in trouble,” she’d cautioned and asked him to flip off the police lights. People were gawking as they drove past slowly to see what was going on. He was so attentive and loving that she was really beginning to savor these practical jokes. In fact, last night had been over the top.

Lily had come home from school after a long day. They’d finally dismissed for Christmas break and she had a pounding headache. She’d texted John to tell him that she didn’t want to go out but instead suggested staying in to cuddle and watch TV. He’d not responded, but when she pulled up to her house, she was in complete shock.

John was out front and had just finished digging a massive hole in her front yard to plant a large pine tree. He was shirtless with a flocked Santa hat on, working up a sweat. He looked so proud of himself and held up the shovel like an Olympic torch, his breath fogging in the cool air. The smile on his face was epic as he threw down the shovel and pushed a remote in his hand. Radar was dancing around, barking beside him excitedly. The tree suddenly lit up with a myriad of Christmas lights. He ran over to the car, opened it up and put a Santa hat on her head too. The large dog jumped upwards, her front paws on the glass as if to welcome her home.

“I’m so glad my favorite elf is home,” he announced, teeth chattering. “Aren’t you, Radar?” This started another flurry of barking, bringing her neighbor outside. The older woman smiled, and John waved merrily, shirtless and all.

“Where’s your shirt and coat? It’s thirty degrees out!”

“I was sweating when I was digging the hole, I didn’t get cold till a moment ago. Your kiss will warm me up,” he quickly said, and she could hear the clicking coming from his mouth.

“Get your crazy rear-ends inside now!” Lily ordered, staring between the pine tree and her beloved man. “I swear you both will make me grey before my time.”

“I bet you’ll be gorgeous then too.”

“John, inside! Now!” Lily unlocked the front door and led them both inside, plucking his jacket and coat off the bush beside the door, shaking her head. He was going to catch pneumonia at this rate. She grabbed a thick quilt and wrapped it around his shoulders in an effort to warm him up. His eyes stared down at her tenderly as she rubbed his arms, trying to create a bit more heat. Glancing up, she felt herself smile at his intense look.

“I love you more than anything,” he told her, ducking his head down and kissing her lightly. She could still feel him shivering under the blanket. Lily opened the blanket and stepped into his arms, feeling the blanket wrap around her as she placed her head against his chest.

“I love you too,” she murmured softly. They spent the rest of the evening putting up her Christmas tree and drinking hot cocoa. She decided to get them stockings to hang off the mantle. She’d sent John’s mother a poinsettia from both of them that should be arriving in the next day or two. She’d also picked up a few gifts for John to surprise him for Christmas. This was his first one home and she wanted it to be special. She couldn’t believe how much her life had changed since he’d come into it and loving John was a miracle in itself.

* * *

Lily stood impatiently in line at the mall. Shopping the day before Christmas Eve was simply a mistake. It was horrifically crowded, and she couldn’t stand having people bumping into her or pushing rudely. John had to work today, and she was finishing up a few last-minute things. She’d gotten stockings for her, John and Radar embroidered at a little kiosk in the center of the mall. Now, she was in line to pay for a matching set of ugly Christmas sweaters for them to wear. She thought it would be a fun tradition for them to start and dreamed of his laugh when he opened the box. He had the most beautiful laugh that made her heart light.

John had not said a word regarding exchanging presents but she knew deep down inside that he’d not forgotten. That was something she’d learned over the last few weeks: when it came to her, there was no stopping the man. He’d do anything for her and it boggled her mind. She’d realized it when he’d planted that pine in the front yard. She’d casually made the comment the day before about how it was so cute that people decorated their trees in the front yard. He’d immediately bought a tree and decorated it with lights.

Picking up an ornament near the register, she smiled.Our first Christmas 2015. It was simple, sweet and perfect. She’d put a photo in the opening of them in their sweaters. This was the last thing and then she was leaving. She’d already picked up a small roast to cook for them as well as some puppy snacks. That was something she adored about Radar. The massive dog would lay on the couch beside her and put her head in Lily’s lap. John always whispered ‘traitor’ to the dog, but she knew deep down inside that he loved it.


Lily heard screamed from close by and immediately flinched at the voice. There was something so insidious hearing the nightmarish words aloud. Frozen, she slowly glanced around and saw the gun just on the other side of the register. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she let out a soft prayer of thanks for having the foresight to put it on silent.

“Everybody gets down now, heads on the floor, and no one will get hurt.” Two large men began to bark orders, waving their guns at people. Lily immediately got down and her phone clattered to the floor noisily. To her it sounded so loud, but the chaos around the cashier’s stand drowned it out. People were screaming and crying as they got down onto the floor. She glanced at the phone and saw John’s text.

Don’t go to mall-will call later

Rolling her eyes, she cursed the timing of it all. Five minutes earlier and she’d have hightailed it out of there, leaving the precious ornament behind. Carefully, she typed “I’m here now” and hit send before the phone was brutally kicked away from her hand. She felt an explosion of pain in her hand as the boot made contact. She heard the deadly click as the gun was cocked not far from her ear. The cold tile pressed against her cheek was absolutely nothing to the chill in her blood at the sound.

“No phones, no nothing- got it? Get your wallets out and put them on the floor beside you. Jewelry too.”

Lily slowly nodded her head and began to pray. She prayed harder than she had ever done before, a wild scattering of thoughts. She prayed for the quick end to the robbery, she prayed for her safety and above all? She prayed for John because she knew deep down inside he was on his way like an avenging angel. Minutes seemed to drag on for hours and she saw a flashing blue glint reflecting on the chrome display case near where she lay. She locked eyes with another couple and saw that they also noticed the lights. Lily slowly put her finger up to her lips, her hand aching with the movement.

John is coming, she prayed, pinching her eyes shut.Please God protect him!She heard voices on a megaphone and listened absently as they asked to release the hostages. The two men were trapped and now more dangerous than before.