Page 9 of Remember Home

“I will find a way to email you a photo somehow. I promise you. If not, I will see if I can get one to you in the mail. I don’t need anything, you’ve already spoiled me too much. I broke my finger punching a guy who teased me about getting your packages –long story - and I asked if you were single because I really like you and felt a kinship. I want to get to know the sweet woman that thought enough of a stranger to reach out. I like you.”

“But you don’t know what I look like and we might not even get along.”

John took a deep breath. Her words were true, but he felt in his gut that meeting her was something he’d been gifted with. He hadn’t realized how low his morale had fallen, or how numb he felt, until he was presented with a spark of light. He felt almost poetic thinking of how much happier he was on the days that he heard word from her. It didn’t matter what she looked like because he already liked Lily.

“I don’t care what you look like because it’s what’s inside that matters and I already know you are more beautiful than anything I will have ever known in my life.” He heard her soft gasp and felt his heart flutter, knowing he was right and spoke true. She was beautiful, incredibly so, on the inside – her mind and essence were light and he was attracted like a moth to a flame.

“You don’t know that, and you shouldn’t say things like that.”

“But I bet I’m still right about it.”


“John, I…” he heard her sweet voice stopped again by the announcement in the phone and felt a wave of sadness hit him. Was their time up already? He’d barely gotten to talk to her and there was so much he wanted to know. What made her smile? What were her hopes or dreams?

“I know. I am so glad I got to hear your voice today.” It was true. The gift of being able to hear her voice was priceless. When he got back to his bunk, he would re-read her letters again, but this time he would hear Lily’s soft gentle accent as she spoke. He knew the words already, having poured over them repeatedly, but now they had personality. They had sound and character in his mind.

“Will you call again soon?”

“If you’d like me to.” Her sweet tentative voice told him she was shy. He felt infinitely protective of her and would make a list of things to ask or talk about next time he called. He wanted to take the burden of thinking of something to discuss off her.

“I would.”


“Give Radar a hug for me and please take care of yourself. I look forward to your letters and if you can call that would be terrific. School’s starting back so I might not be available until…” he interrupted her, with almost an apologetic tone to his voice. They were running out of time and he wanted to tell her bye and goodnight. He’d do his best to call again as soon as he could.

“Lily- it’s okay. Take ca-“John flinched as the line went dead on his end. He felt like he’d almost been punched in the gut by the abrupt end. Her voice was gone, and he felt the yawning blackness of sadness trying to take hold. He shook his head and thanked God for the brief respite to his day. Instead of letting himself get down, he would push back, do everything he could to keep his promise of the photo. He’d break every finger in his hand if the other guys teased him, and it would be worth it. Determined, he left the small room and shut the door behind him. He fetched the earrings from his locker at the end of his bunk and mailed them immediately to her.

His girl.


August 2015

Tyler, Texas

Lily stared at the cell phone horrified as the call ended and felt tears well up in her eyes. She dashed them away and cradled it to her for several moments, wondering if he would call again. She lay there staring at the ceiling in her bedroom, her mind racing. The phone call did little to wash away her curiosity of the man; in fact, it did the opposite. She was even more fascinated and intrigued by the stranger who seemed to be so very kind to her and thought she was a beautiful soul. She glanced down at her flannel pajamas feeling very homely. But he claimed to not care. He said she had a beautiful soul and it made her feel incredibly wonderful. He seemed to know exactly what she needed to hear. She vowed to mail him a few phone cards tomorrow.

The next morning, she arose with a renewed vigor. Her mind had worked all night coming up with different thoughts or ideas for her classroom and for John. She planned on mailing another box to him, just something small so he constantly had something coming in. The larger boxes were quite bulky so maybe a smaller, more frequent box would be better? In the next box, she would send him a disposable Polaroid camera so he could take a photo and mail it back in an envelope. She hoped he would find a way to email a photo, but with limited communication, she assumed it would not happen for a while.

“Think of a desert landscape far from anything you know, Lily,” she muttered to herself, hanging a wavy paper border on the bulletin board she was decorating. She wanted to send something small, but special. And Radar! She’d get something for his dog too. She imagined the two were close since that was really the only other being he’d referred to in his letters. Perhaps a Kong chew toy and a jar of peanut butter? Maybe she’d send some crackers for John too, so they could enjoy the treat together. Ohhhh and a pocket knife so he could spread it?

Her mind was working furiously with a variety of ideas for her pen pal. She wanted to spoil him, to make him happy – and it made her happy to do so. It gave her a sense of fulfillment to give, which was why she enjoyed the volunteering. She enjoyed giving back.

“I’m heading out, Lily. You need anything from the store?”

Glancing at the open classroom door, Lily smiled appreciatively at the other teacher. Maria Beckett had been a sweetheart, almost taking her under her wing when Sherry had passed. She’d never really said much to her before, but befriended her immediately and sat with her at the funeral. It was like having someone simply there to have your back.

“I appreciate it, but I’ve got to run to the store myself. I’ve got a little something I’m working on right now, just thinking of different ways to do it.”

“Is whatever it is the reason you seem so happy today?”

“What do you mean?”

“You just seem like you’ve finally made peace or found something that’s put the bounce back in your step since Sherry died. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you.”

“Oh that? Yeah, I have a friend that is pretty great and I’m thinking of what to send him next. You know?”