Page 9 of Remember Fear

“Yup,” Lily admitted. “I texted my husband who’s a police officer, and asked them to patrol your street. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No,” she whispered, shocked at the openness and care they were all displaying towards her. “Why me? Why are you all coming over and… why?” she finished lamely, unable to wrap her mind around all of this as the gathering of women made themselves at home.

Lily hugged her slightly because of the baby that she held, and turned her to look in the living room.

“Look at Max playing with the children,” Lily whispered to her. “He’s having fun, relaxing, and enjoying himself. Look at the others around him. They learn what we teach them – and we choose to surround ourselves with people that are of the same mindset and heart.”

Madison swallowed hard, feeling tears sting her eyes as Max crawled over to Leia’s son, pulling himself up, and hugging him. Her son was such a loving child and just wanted to be a part of the world… and maybe Lily was right.

“Breathe, relax, be a part of our group, and let yourself into a world you might not have realized is there, because you’ve been drowning in Asher’s hellhole he’s created for you,” Lily coaxed. “Involve us, talk to us, let us help where we can…”

“Got a good attorney in your group?” she interrupted hoarsely, looking at the other woman, who shook her head ‘no’.

“We can be your character witnesses, but I will ask John if he knows someone that can help you. You never know.”

“I can’t let my ex…”

“I know – but one step at a time. Tonight is all about building this friendship for Max… and us. Now, do you want some pizza?”

Madison nodded, and was led into the living room to join the others.

* * *

Several hours later,she had never felt so ‘normal’ in so long – and it brought tears to her eyes to think how Asher was trying to snuff out the woman she’d been. He was a tactician, always stepping on someone else to get ahead, and currently doing the same thing to her.

She wasn’t his pawn, refused to be even on the ‘board’ in his game, and that was what riled him up so much. Tonight was the first time she felt like herself, smiling, talking, and being around others. Even if she had nothing to say, it was nice to feel like she was part of the conversation.

Her parents tried… but it wasn’t the same. Max was her world, but again, she needed that interaction around her, and admittedly was lonely. Even if she wanted to talk to someone, to date, or found someone she was interested in?

Madison couldn’t act on it.

She was effectively trapped, forced to be alone, except for her family… and admitted as much when talking with Leia, who was sitting beside her.

“So talk to someone who Asher will never see,” Leia shrugged easily – and gave Lily a pointed look.

“She said ‘No’,” Lily replied. “I’m not pushing if she’s not interested.”

“Oh, come on…”

“Leia, no.”

“She said ‘No’?”Molly squawked in disbelief, her eyes nearly popping out of her head as she stared at Madison in horror. “Are you freakin’ serious? It was the best thing I ever did. Why?”

“Me too – even though Matt didn’t listen to me.”

“Meh, Keller does the same thing when it suits him.”

“So does Dylan.”

“Mike too. He calls it ‘selective hearing’… I call it stubbornness. I’m really shocked you said ‘No’ though to a pen pal. I mean, it’s a letter.”

“Wait… what?” Madison said in surprise, looking at the women. “A pen pal? I thought Lily was trying to set me up on a blind date.”

“Sorta,” Tabitha coughed loudly, covering her mouth – as Julia slapped her on the back obligingly.

“I don’t mind writing someone.”

“You don’t?”