Page 60 of Remember Fear

Dear M&M,

I know this was last minute – and I’ll explain in a few when I get to a phone, but I really think we need this to clear the air. I’m not sure I’m telling anyone else that I’m planning a visit, because I want it to be strictly us together, and not pulled in either direction by family wanting to have dinner or chat.

This trip is about us… I hope.

I’ll see you late Friday so you can pick up Max at your mother’s first, and we can hide away.


Stunned, she realized that it wasthisFriday… and smiled.



“Dannnng man!You’re going on vacation again?” Talbot grinned knowingly, winking at Selkirk and Peña.

“Selkirk – are we betting again?”


“Why not?”

“Don’t be an idiot, Talbot,” Selkirk got up from his bunk and bumped knuckles with Eric, who was trying not to laugh, and mortified that his face was blushing. He hoped the guys couldn’t see it under his beard, and knew exactly what they were referring to.

He could onlydreamof that happening… and right now was completely focused on them being a couple by the end of his week there.

“There’s only a few reasons that a man flies back out so quickly,” Selkirk bragged. “He’s either anxious forthatand looking to start a family or expand one… or he’s in love and can’t stand being away.”

“Which is it, Morrison?” Peña grinned. “I’m thinking it’s the latter, but the first selection can be a lot of fun, too.”

“Morrison in love? That means…”

“Dun-dun-dunnnnn!” all three men chanted, looking mockingly bewildered and shocked.

“It’s the curse!” Talbot yelped in a high-pitched shriek that made Trigger bark before howling slightly.

“The Romeo curse has struck again!” Peña teased, sounding all official… and Selkirk just had this smarmy grin on his face, smiling at Eric.

“Dude, I’m sincerely happy for you both and hope my trip goes as well,” Selkirk volunteered, as Turner did a spit take all over his bunk, before cursing fluently.

“Dang it, Selkirk! You gotta warn people when you do stuff like that. It’s like Morrison running around here naked with a staked spider on his knife. It’s just not right and complete nightmare fuel.”

“It was a really impressive view of my…spider,” Eric grinned, making the men laugh loudly once more as all five of them held up their pinky fingers suggestively at once.

“Really guys? Thanks a lot,” Eric laughed openly, shaking his head. “When do you fly out, Selkirk? Where are you headed?”

“I’m flying out Friday morning and heading to Tyler, Texas, to meet my pen pal,” he bragged. “I’m so excited to meet June.”

“June? June? What kind of Marsha-Brady-Name is that?” Talbot taunted. “You’re barely thirty, and women twice your age are named June.”

“Nope. Not this one,” Selkirk said confidently. “She’s beautiful and extremely bright.”

“You sure?”

“Ha ha ha, fellas… What’s your girl’s name, Talbot?”
