Page 54 of Remember Fear

The bell rang and all of them rose to their feet, including Madison. It would only be moments before the children started trickling into the classrooms from where they had been waiting for the bell to ring in the cafeteria.

They were right – she would tell Eric about what happened, and manage to get something typed out to him or ask him to call when he could.

* * *

That night,after putting Max into bed and tucking him in, she opened her laptop and saw Eric’s email. Reading it, she marveled at what a sweet man he was turning out to be, and so understanding.

Eric called her his M&M, which made her smile.

He referred to her son as ‘our sweet Max’… which made her heart skip a beat, before reaching out to her. He seemed to understand that it was natural to want to retreat for cover, to hide when confronted, and was asking her to share with him… ‘to be a part of her world’, he had requested – and she felt tears sting her eyes.

She had originally fought against opening herself up to anyone, had shut down Lily immediately when asked to reach out to someone, never imagining it could be someone so seemingly perfect as Eric.

He just ‘fit’ - in her mind, her heart, and her world, and in so many ways. They obviously thought the same, because he knew something was wrong from her email and was already offering to get a few calling cards. He wanted to be there for her… and she recognized the beauty that single realization created within her soul.

Madison began to type, unsure how long it would take her or how much to say. She just began pouring it all out, wishing she could be there talking to him, seeing his face, holding his hand in hers, and knew there was much more to all of this than ‘just on paper’ like they had originally claimed… or at least for her.

Maybe he wanted friendship only – but she was looking at her new ‘friend’ much, much differently.

Dearest Eric,

Yes, it went badly – so forgive me if I seem disjointed or blabber on. I do not want you surprised by what happened, and word seems to travel fast. Someone there leaked it back here that we were married before I had a chance to say anything, and I’m sure that path of information goes both ways.

So here goes…

My ex-husband showed up and I thought it was mom, so I opened the door. Asher barged in, began snooping around, and yelling at me – asking where you were at. He just thought I was ‘sleeping around’ on him… and that was when I told him I was remarried.

Things got out of hand – violently so – and I had to go to the emergency room to get fourteen stitches on my ring finger from where he removed it forcibly. My ring is damaged, and I am going to see a jeweler this next weekend to see if I can have it repaired.

I am so sorry.

Yes, this was done in front of Max… and my mother arrived to see him leaving. I actually just got back from the police station with a copy of the report and pressed charges against him for assault, home invasion, and battery – complete with another protective order.

The officer that helped me on the scene was there and said that it will get more attention now that Asher crossed a line. It’s going straight up the chain to get filed with the courts immediately.

I hate to tell you all of this in a letter, but I didn’t want someone else to spread the gossip or make it much worse than it was.

Was it scary? – Yes.

It bothered me so much that Max was there, and Asher said some horrible things about our sweet guy that doesn’t bear repeating. I feel like such an ignorant naïve girl for having thought I was once in love with him, but I do not recognize anything in that person I imagined he once was.

I have been focusing on Max, taking care of my hand, and remembering our hugs… because I need that memory to keep me from flipping out mentally at just how bad it could have been. I didn’t think Asher had that in him, and I was so wrong. I poked the bear – and got bit.

I don’t have a court date yet – and that is sweet of you to ask. I will let you know the moment it’s assigned.

Eric – I know it will come out wrong or sound weird for me to say it, but I never realized how much I needed a friend until you were suddenly there… so please, don’t ever change.

Whatever this is in our friendship, it means a lot to me. I can’t put my finger on it, but this bond is comforting – and special. I know it’s crossed a line or a little different now because we kissed each other, but the hugs, laughs, and smiles are just as important to me – maybe more so.

Now I know I’m rambling…

We’ll talk soon,

Madison and Max

* * *

It was almostfour days before she heard back from Eric and that surprised her – plus his response. It was terse, abrupt, and she wasn’t in the mood for his grumbling.