Page 52 of Remember Fear

“Officer Watson?”

“Ben’s good stock,” Lily began and all four seemed to sag in relief, causing Madison to look at them quizzically.

“You know the police officer that came out?” she said slowly, realizing that this group of women were a force to be reckoned with as Julia entered the room and slid into a seat… looked at Madison’s hand and winced.

“Marigold just texted me,” Julia said in greeting, causing the other women to roll their eyes.

“Who’s Marigold?”

“Watson’s wife… which means that Wright knows, eh, Julia?”


“Then Tarrant and Martinez both know,”

“Spreads… like wild… fire…” Leia said pointedly, spreading her hands in an imaginary rainbow before her. “Does your boy-toy know?”

“My what?”

“Your husband,” Lily smiled. “Leia has a way of phrasing things.”

“It’s a skill, yo.”

“Oh, good gravy…”

“No, I haven’t told anyone and never imagined that we’d be having this conversation already. I mean, class is starting in another…” Madison glanced at the clock, “… in ten minutes.”

“You need to be the one to tell him first before the gossips do.”



“No bueno if someone blabs it back through the grapevine.”

“Grapes make excellent wine… but boys are terrible whiners.”

“Pun fully intended.”

“You gotta tell Morrison what happened – in detail – so he can cool down on the other side of the world and then suggest a time to visit when he’ll be distracted by y’all’s ‘new marriage mambo’.”

“Is she even speaking English?”


“In the sack,” the woman grinned broadly. “Let your boy-toy cool his temper overseas before coming home, and then keep him busy in the sack so he doesn’t end up in prison for maiming your ex-husband. Gotta use what you’ve got, woman. Make him forget that you got stitches from your pathetic excuse of a Y-chromosome.”

Madison blinked, cleared her throat, and then started to open her mouth as her face flooded with heat…

“Oh my gosh… you lucky, little hussy,” Leia breathed, chuckling. “Was itthatgood?”

“That might be a bad blush…”

“She’s speechless… would you look at that.”

“It’s always the quiet ones, eh, Tabitha?”

“Oh yeah…” Lily and Tabitha bumped knuckles and winked at each other.