Page 51 of Remember Fear

… And now it was destroyed.



Two days later,there was no hiding anything anymore.

Madison had thought originally that she could keep her marriage a secret, but somehow, some way, everything was just there… scattered like Lego bricks from a dumped toy box – and just as hard to navigate or painful to step on.

“What in the world happened?” Leia exclaimed in horror, staring at her bandaged hand. “Lily, if Morrison did that to her – I’m gonna need bail money.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… no! It couldn’t have… could it?” Tabitha said in disbelief, sitting down hard in a chair and looking at her with something akin to horror written on her face.

“Eric?” Madison gaped, putting their shocked faces together, along with their words. “Eric didn’t…”

“Whoamygoodgolly…” Molly screeched, grabbing her by the wrist with one hand, yanking her arm upwards, and pointing at her bandaged digits with her other hand. “Who… how… whaaaat…?”

“Stop!” Madison balked, pulling her hand away from Molly and accidentaily bumping it on her desk, causing her to hiss audibly as four faces winced at once. “Okay… that did not feel pleasant,” she whispered between gritted teeth, as her finger began to throb.

“What happened?” Lily said openly, taking a seat as the other women followed suit, giving her the distinct impression that no one was moving from the classroom until she had answers. “What happened, Mrs. Morrison?”


“Y’all got hitched?”

“Kabloowie, much?”

“Talk about nuke numero dos… hitched and stitched!”

“How did…” Madison gaped in surprise, staring at them and Lily’s serene face that had a soft, knowing smile on it. “How did you know?”

“Your husband proudly informed his team that he’d gotten married – and his boss is my husband’s best friend. We got the email last night from Logan.”

“Ahhhh,” Leia interjected, and winked at Madison. “The boys are much bigger gossips than us girls are. This is true. There are no secrets anymore once you’ve been indoctrinated.”

“Yup,” Molly grinned. “Everyone knows your business – good, bad, or otherwise.”

“They scoop you up when it’s bad,” Tabitha smiled easily.

“… And try to leave you alone when it’s getting really good,” Leia grinned wolfishly, causing the other women to laugh – including Madison, because there was no mistaking the woman’s meaning.

“So what gives with the mitt, Mrs. Morrison?”

“My ex decided he didn’t like the idea of me being married,” Madison said quietly, taking a seat behind her desk. “He got really nasty, and the police came out to my place…”

“Ooooh?!” Leia smiled as all four of them leaned forward. “Which officer?”

“Which officer?” she repeated in confusion. “Why does that matter?”

Lily waved her off – and Leia put a restraining hand nearly in her face.

“No, this matters, because we need to know the dish… and if he’s going to be blabbing to your new hubby about the details. It’s supposed to be hush-hush, but if it was Luka…?”

“Oh mercy,” Lily muttered as Tabitha started laughing.

“Martinez can keep his trap shut, but…”

“It wasn’t my husband – I can tell you that.”