Page 50 of Remember Fear

Her beautiful, breathtaking ring that was sentimental, meant so much because it had been so unexpected… was beyond damaged. The yellow gemstone was cracked and scratched terribly. Chunks were cut into the band, nearly all the way through in a few places, where the disposal blades had grinded against it.

“Thank you,” she said thickly, feeling just horrid in that moment. “Did you see anything else?”

“No,” he replied. “I’m assuming you had a wedding band, too?”

She nodded, swallowing painfully.

“Perhaps it will turn up when you have a real plumber check the disposal. I think it’s done for, but that’s only my opinion. My wife doesn’t let me do plumbing and electrical for a reason,” he joked, trying to make her feel better, and she knew it.

Madison nodded, clenching the ring in her good hand.

“I’m assuming if we find him that you are going to want to file charges and will need a copy of the police report?”


“Get yourself taken care of. I’ll type it up, and you can come see us at the station when you are feeling a little better tomorrow.”

“Thank you again.”

“Hey,” he smiled, shrugging. “That’s what we do – now I’m going to let my favorite paramedic kick me off of here so she can get rolling…”

“Bye Watson,” the woman chuckled, shooing him off with her hand.

“See ya, Eileen. I’ll tell Marigold you said ‘hi’…”

The officer climbed down and shut the ambulance doors before banging on it quickly two times. Eileen turned to the driver.

“Let’s move. Tyler General Hospital sound good to you?”


* * *

Hours later,Madison was back home, and Max was sound asleep in his crib as her mother helped pick up a few things. Her pain pill was starting to work to dull the throbbing in her finger… fourteen stitches later.

She had already sent Eric an email to be waiting for him in Ghazni when he arrived, but this needed to be said. She needed to get it out of her, so it wasn’t festering painfully inside of her soul.

There was so much she wanted to tell him, to type, to open up and explain… but there was also a fear lingering deep down inside. He was a friend and she had already crossed so many lines by kissing him like she had. Maybe Asher was right, because she had instigated the kiss, walking into Eric’s arms before he left. She had also sought him out to talk to him, with the hopes that he would kiss her again.

It was a lonely woman taking advantage of a friend who had done more than any person for her, in a way no other could. He had promised to fill the position of husband for a year, to grow their friendship, and she was letting her feelings and emotions cloud her judgement.

A friend.

Feeling tears burn and a painful lump in her throat, she realized just how hard it was to type right now and was really embarrassed by the whole thing. She should have known better than to open the door, letting Asher in. He was a hateful creature, and she despised the way he referred to Max.

She was ashamed that he’d pushed her around, injured her, and it had all happened so fast… she felt like a hypocrite, too. Before tonight, she always wondered how women could let themselves fall into these traps where men could hurt them, but tonight she realized it literally took two seconds and spun wildly out of control.

Typing slowly, she wrote Eric.

Dear Eric,

Well, the confrontation came sooner than expected. I’m fine. It’s over. I’ll see him in court in a few months.


Clicking send, she got up and picked up the battered ring off of the kitchen table where her laptop sat… and put it on her nightstand beside her bed. She was devastated.

Even though she and Eric were only friends, and this was a marriage on paper for a year? That sweet ring had meant the world to her because it was given from him, a symbol of his promise to support her for a year, their friendship, and their marriage to one another.