Page 49 of Remember Fear

“Mama, can you take Max please,” she whispered and felt herself buckling painfully as the tears started to flow. Her hand was throbbing horrifically and there was a piece of skin pulled loose. She held the phone up to her head and spoke.

“My ex-husband was here and just left. I need to have this documented. Is it possible to get a transcript, because I’m currently trying to get a restraining order against him.”

“Miss, your attorney and…”

“Is it possible to get a transcript - yes or no?”

“It can be requested by the courts. There is a process for this, and my job is to let you know an officer is enroute to your location now. He should be arriving any moment. Are you injured? Do you need an ambulance?”


“Yes,” her mother said firmly. “You need to have stitches.”

“Mom, can you drive me, because I don’t need any more bills…” Madison set down the phone to hide her injury with her good hand, looking at her mother sternly.

“Madison! He needs to pay for this…”

Her mother’s eyes were locked with hers as a voice split the air.

“Police!” a voice said from the doorway. “Is something going on in here?”

“Yes,” her mother said grimly, standing up with Max, who was settling down slightly now that grandma was holding him. “Her ex-husband was here and assaulted her. Can you please tell my stubborn daughter that she needs to get an ambulance and sue the britches off of that man!”

The police officer said something in his radio, rattling off codes, and knelt down to look at her. His eyes were kind as he gently pulled away her hand that was covering her left one protectively as he let out a slow whistle.

“I’m Officer Watson of the department and I’ve got someone tracking down your ex-husband right now, but do you want to tell me what happened?”

“He walked in uninvited, started searching my house, accused me of sleeping with someone, and then started losing his mind when he found out I was married to the guy,” Madison whispered, feeling a tear race down her cheek as she looked at the officer. “He threw my wedding ring in the disposal… and I really need it back.”

“What we need to do is get some attention on that finger, so there is an ambulance coming…”

“But,” she interrupted – only for him to cut her off.

“The ambulance ride makes for a quick entrance to the ER instead of sitting in the waiting room for a while. I can tell you are hurting, trying to be brave for your boy, but what you can do right now is reassure him that Mommy is going to go see the doctor to get all fixed up… okay?” he said gently. “If you show him you are rattled, then the first time he gets a bumped knee or broken arm – he’ll remember how frightened and worried you are.”

“I really don’t need the huge bill.”

“And your mother is right,” the officer smiled. “You should definitely bring this up in court and sue him – but leave the pants on.”

Madison chuckled tearfully at his wry tone and the face he made, shivering in disgust.

“Now, when your chariot gets here… and I hear them coming,” he paused, radioing in something else. “Then I’ll take a peek at the disposal to see if I can fish out your ring. Deal?”

“Thank you.”

“In here fellas… Oh hey! You’ve got the big guns today, ma’am,” talking to Madison as he looked at the paramedic walking in the door. “Eileen, are you slumming it over here in Tyler? She normally sticks with the Ember Creek crew, but occasionally we need a little more help, and it’s already been a busy night,” the officer acknowledged, saluting the woman that knelt beside her.

“Let me see what we’ve got,” the woman said easily, turning her hand slightly before nodding. “Someone’s getting stitches tonight. Do you think you can come with me? Can you walk, or are you injured anywhere else?”

“Bruises to my ego,” she admitted. “And my hip.”

“Alright,” the woman smiled gently. “Why don’t you come with me to the ambulance and Mom can follow us?”

“Yes. I’ll follow,” her mother replied, picking up Max’s diaper bag as her son put his head down on her shoulder, immediately sucking his thumb. Her poor baby was bothered more than she ever realized, because he hadn’t sucked his thumb in well over six months.

“Alright,” the officer nodded. “Chariot first… and then brief plumbing duty.”

As Madison was ushered into the ambulance, it wasn’t five minutes later when they were getting ready to leave that the officer stepped up into the back of the vehicle… and handed her the ring from Eric.