Page 47 of Remember Fear

Well, the confrontation came sooner than expected. I’m fine. It’s over. I’ll see him in court in a few months.


Closing his eyes against the pain in his chest and the failure that was swamping him, he drew in several breaths. He should have been there to help her, to support her, or handle the bully on his own.

Just the brief email response was enough for him to understand that it went badly. He hated that she had to endure that and wished he could handle the storm for her… and knew what he needed to do.

My M&M,

I am so sorry that you had to handle that alone and so quickly. I can tell from your email that it bothered you – but I’m also relieved you reached out to tell me it happened. I could say something stupid like ‘I was there with you in spirit’ – but we both know that isn’t worth the breath.

You had to fight this battle on your own and I feel terrible, like I let you down or should have been there.

Did he act out in front of our sweet Max?

Let me see if I can get a few calling cards so I can hear your voice and we can talk. Don’t put those walls up around you, okay? I know the instant someone feels threatened, it’s a natural response… but it’s me, your friend and new husband, who wants to be a part of your world.

P.S. When is your court date? I know you said six months, but do you have a date assigned yet? Let me know.


Sitting back in his seat and feeling a heavy sinking feeling in his chest, he stared at the screen, unsure if he should say anything else right now. Trigger hopped up on his lap and began licking at his chin sympathetically.

“I’m fine,” Eric chuckled softly, grateful he was alone in the room right now. “I just miss her, and I can’t imagine how she’s feeling, you know? If the shoe was on the other foot – I would be frustrated and feel isolated. That’s the last thing I want for Madison, you know?” he whispered, ruffling and scratching her ears.

“In fact, let’s go get our favorite M&M and little Max something. Maybe that will cheer her up… eh? What do you think?”

Trigger barked happily, almost like he was answering him.

“My thoughts too, girl.”



A week later…

“Mom,I need to run to the store… but if you want to come with me? That would be great. We can run to Target and then go by the grocery afterwards, if that’s what you want?”

Madison had the phone tucked under her cheek and was folding laundry while Max was sitting up on a blanket, fascinated with a set of plastic stacking cups that were brightly colored. He was doing such a good job and was such a sweet boy that she was able to get so much done around the house sometimes… like now.

“I’m just finishing the laundry and we’ll go.”

“Perfect,” Madison smiled. “Me too. Why don’t you swing by and pick us up?”

“Okay. I’ll be there in just a few.”

“I’ll get Max’s diaper changed and grab my things.”

Madison quickly put away the laundry and changed Max’s diaper, before hearing a knock at the door. Putting Max down, she moved to put on her sneakers and yanked open the door… only to come face-to-face with Asher – who shoved open the front door and walked in boldly.

“We’re getting ready to leave,” she said bluntly in greeting. “Now’s not a good time, Asher.”

“Where is he?”


“The guy you’ve been sleeping around with behind my back,” he said peevishly, peering in the bathroom and then into Max’s bedroom.