Page 43 of Remember Fear

Two weeks later…

“So,did anyone hear about Reed? How’s he doing?” Eric asked during PT one afternoon. He had emailed Madison just to touch base and let her know he was back, unsure what to say to her, and felt like a dunce not writing down her home address.

How was he supposed to surprise her if he had to get details ahead of time?

Real slick move, idiot…he mused silently, doing mountain climbers in the heat before changing it up to do jumping jacks with the team.

“I heard Reed made it but was having a tough time.”

“So tough, the ‘curse’ hit him too.”

“What do you mean?”

“QUIET LADIES!” Captain Logan yelled in the distance, walking past them towards the building.

“He’s engaged to his pen pal,” Collins hissed.

“Another one bites the dust…”

“Who’s fallin’ next boys?” Talbot grinned.

“Me!” Selkirk volunteered. “I booked a flight.”


“I bet Perry is next…”

“Nuh-uh…” Perry retorted bluntly, scratching himself.

“Oh yeah – and stay away from the latrines,” Peña grinned. “Turns out someone’s got some junk they’re spreading.”


“Yup. Haven’t you been itching yet? I think it’s in the water, but Selkirk thinks that one of the other guys brought back body lice or something worse.”

“Seriously?” Eric grimaced, realizing he was itching too. “I didn’t think about it until you said something, but I noticed the red toilet seats and was wondering about that.”

“Me too.”

“Man, it’s bad too, when you are out here sweating…”

Perry was scratching himself even harder, making a weird noise in his throat, and looked away.

“Break formation and let’s move boys… I want ten laps around the yard.”

The guys started to separate when Logan called out for Perry – and Eric immediately saw the man itch again, sending all of them scratching once more.

“This is awful.”

“You got any sores or blisters? What if it’s not an allergy?”

“Wait a second… doyouhave sores or blisters? If you do – go to medical right now, and don’t you dare spread that around, you mangy tramp!”

“Tramp? Who am I gonna fool around with?”

“If he answers that question… two men are getting beat up today. Am I clear?”

“I don’t have any sores!”