Page 42 of Remember Fear

Every set of eyes swung to Eric in that moment, as his mouth dropped open in shock at where the conversation between his friends was going.

“Don’t you say a word!” Selkirk ordered in a commanding voice that was awfully funny coming from the blond-haired man standing there in nothing but boxers and his dog tags on his Army bunk.

“You know what? You’re on!” Talbot growled angrily, slapping more money down as Peña tossed several bills into the pile growing at the foot of the bunk… along with Collins, who was grinning, and Pendergast, who joined them quickly.

“We’ll cut it four ways, fellas,” Talbot muttered, staring at Selkirk. “Are you still in?”

“Oh yeah,” Selkirk grinned openly, giddy with delight. “Cause I’m bettin’ that Morrison sure wasn’t!”


“How are you so sure Morrison didn’t ‘hit it’…”

“Cause the dude’s got class and integrity.”

“Thank you – I think?”

“So?” Talbot blurted out angrily. “Which of us is right? Was the sex worth shackling yourself to some strange girl?”

“She’s incredible,” Eric smiled, thinking of Madison’s kiss before he woke her up – and afterwards before he left. “Yes, it was worth it…”

“HA! Pay up, Selkirk!”

“… But no,” Eric interrupted, chuckling. “I wanted to wait until the time is right and we aren’t in a rush for me to leave. Nothing happened.”

“WHAT?! Nooooo!”

“YES! YES! YES!” Selkirk was pumping his fists in the air with glee as the other men groaned, walking off, grumbling and muttering under their breaths. As the air around them finally settled down, Eric looked at the man who was happily counting his money and smiling from ear to ear.

“How did you know?”

“Eh?” Selkirk said distractedly, looking up, and handing him several bills. “Thank you, by the way.”

“For what?”

“For being you,” he said simply, shrugging. “You’re easy to read, Morrison. You love that pooch, and hover over Trigger like some protective daddy. When it comes to the team, you stand up first to take point, and you always seem to go into everything with a noble streak that puts the rest of us to shame… and we actually try to be fairly decent guys.”


“Yep – and they’d see that if they could quit putting themselves in your shoes. That’s what they would have done, but you? You’re in everything for the long game and to protect others.”

“I guess I’m predictable,” Eric chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Nahhh,” Selkirk replied, his voice quiet. “You’re what weshouldbe, brother. I hope someday I have the chance to do something noble or good, you know? I rush into things because people are easy to read, but that can make us boring, too.”

“There’s nothing wrong with boring.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with being a knight in shining armor. Kings and pawns look up to them, knowing they have the guts to do what others can’t… or won’t. Not everyone fights their battles the same way, you know? Kings order beheadings, while the pawns do it just for a meal or a place to sleep. Most of us are pawns, few are knights, but it’s the kings you have to really wonder about… because they think differently, and we’re nothing to them.”

Eric didn’t say anything else. He realized just how keenly intelligent the man who he once thought was only a prankster and joker truly was… and he had been wrong. Selkirk was uncannily sharp and hid it behind a goofy smile to fit in, he realized.

The devil in disguise… it would seem.

Sitting down on the bunk, he heard Trigger grunt noisily and smiled softly, realizing he’d disturbed her rest. Petting her soft silky ears, he realized the unpacking could wait until tomorrow. He was exhausted as well, and ready to do the same thing – stretch out, grunt, and shut his eyes.

“You’re a smart girl… aren’t you, sweetie?”

* * *