Page 4 of Remember Fear

“I’ll be out by your barracks later to check on you again, but I’m going to tell you now that the best thing you can do… is keep yourself distracted and distance yourself. There’s a chopper on the way for Reed, and another coming in later. Try to funnel those feelings – and try not to hurt each other if someone throws a punch, okay?”

Nodding, they all looked at each other, unsure what to say.

* * *

Hours later,Eric was sitting on his bunk twisting a Rubik’s cube someone named Watson had left behind at some point. His name was written on the plastic squares in a Marks-a-lot marker, and he’d adopted the toy to keep his boredom in check.

Eric hated puzzles, but the spinning of the sides was like someone clicking a pen. Just the fidgeting with his hands made his riotous emotions feel ‘manageable’ deep down inside… and right now he was spinning that cube in every direction, so much so that it would never get solved again.

… Only to see Captain Logan enter the barracks.

“Fellas,” he said easily, immediately putting Eric on edge. The man always addressed them by their last names or as ‘soldier’. This was casual, much too casual, and he wasn’t the only one who noticed.

Selkirk let out a softly spoken curse word and leapt off his bunk, moving to attention… causing the rest of them to do the same. This was a test, and they were going to have to run for failing to salute an officer, despite the fact that it was exceedingly late.

As they snapped into formation, regardless of their state of dress, he saw Logan’s shoulders sag as the man yanked off his cap and rubbed his head in fatigue.

“I’m here as a friend, guys… I just needed to get out of the office,” Logan said quietly, causing Eric to slowly drop his arm and look at the man.

“Sir?” Eric asked quietly.

“Mitchell is still in the chapel, and I wanted to check on you boys,” Logan said in a worn-out voice. “I’m gonna go call my wife in a few just so I can mentally escape for ten minutes, and wanted to offer you the same.”

“No offense, but I don’t wanna call your wife,” Selkirk muttered warily.

“It’s a trap,” Talbot whispered.

“I know, right?!”

“Shut up you two,” Peña chuckled knowingly… and so did Logan.

The captain laughed painfully and sagged into a chair – causing all of them to look at each other in alarm.

“Man, it’s been a long week. Heck, honestly? It’s been a long few months, and I’m probably going to regret this - but I’ve got a few names of women who are looking for pen pals, if anyone is interested.”

“Do huh-huh?” Selkirk blurted out disbelievingly. “Wait a second. Are you seriously offering uschicks? Dude?! You’re like the best boss ever!”

“Is he for real?” Logan laughed in exhaustion, looking at Eric.

“I ask myself the same thing, sir,” Eric grinned, and everyone began laughing easily.

“No, Selkirk. I am not offering you ‘chicks’,” Logan chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m offering you a chance to talk to a friend, who is also in need of a person to talk to as well.”

“But they are female?”


“And single?”

“Whoaaaa there, tiger,” Peña said openly, looking at Logan. “I’ve heard the rumors and while I’m curious? I’m also not looking to get married.”

“I’m not looking for anyone to get married and ditch the Army either,” Logan said tightly. “But I do have an obligation to my men to make sure you are happy, and right now no one is – including me. Now, if this was a hundred and fifty years ago, I’d tell you to run into town, drink some rot-gut, or find an ‘evening dove’...”

“What’s rot-gut?”

“That’s the question you’re asking? Seriously? How come you’re not asking why Logan is referring to a hooker as a dove…”