Page 36 of Remember Fear

“I know you are in Afghanistan…”

“Iamlonely,” he said softly, meeting her eyes. “I look forward to computer time every week because it’s my contact with the outside world. When your emails came, it felt like Christmas.”

“I barely wrote you.”

“We both barely wrote each other, but the feeling was still there.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he said gently, wanting to try to reach her somehow. “That’s why I kinda stepped forward to volunteer for this marriage. I know we barely know each other. I think you’re really nice, and I feel like if we can both let our guards down? Maybe we can find a way to be friends – true friends – who look to the other person for comfort.”

“I’d really like that,” she said softly, causing him to look at her.

“I would too.”

“So how do we get past all of this uncomfortable tension, where our guards are up? I could use someone on my side…”

“A husband is a wife’s biggest advocate,” he interrupted, smiling softly.

“But we are still stuck in that weird zone,” she admitted. “The ‘should I saythis’or ‘should I do that’realm, where we are both so unsure of things, fighting against this, and afraid of what happens if we let the other person in. I don’t know about you, but I never want sleepless nights or the pain that comes with being torn apart from the inside ever again.”

“I think if we are true friends, neither wants to harm the other person,” he said carefully, trying not to step on toes, and referring to her first marriage. “So perhaps we start with the basics.”

“Build a foundation,” she nodded – and looked at him. “How?”

“Stand up,” he ordered and winced. “Sorry. I’m not trying to boss you around, but I’m kinda like a bull in a China shop when it comes to talking to people.”

“I didn’t even notice,” she confessed, rising to her feet. “Okay. I’m up.”

“Now, trust me on this,” he hedged, and stepped closer to her, only to see her tense. “It’s okay…”

He pulled Madison into a hug and just stood there with her in his arms, breathing in the scent of her perfume and holding her close.

“We just stand here for a few, holding the other person close, and talk,” he whispered as she lay her cheek against his shoulder, her breath tickling his throat. “How’s this?”

“So nice,” she breathed, and he felt her arms slide around his waist, making him draw in a shaky breath. “Are you cold?”


“I thought I felt you shiver.”

“Only because I’m holding a gorgeous girl in my arms,” he admitted openly, chuckling slightly in a very nervous fashion that made him feel like one of the guys fromRevenge of the Nerds… and he laughed harder.

“What’s so funny?”

“Just me being stupid.”

“Is it something about me?”

“No?” he blurted out nervously, and felt her tense as she started to pull away. Gathering her closer, he spoke softly in a hushed manner. “I was thinking what a nervous dork I am at just holding you close, and amazed you are here. I felt like one of the guys fromRevenge of the Nerds, realizing that’s not my finest moment at all. I’m standing here with this beautiful woman, and I can’t figure out…”

His voice trailed off as he felt her shoulders shaking in his arms… and heard her laughter.

“What?” he chuckled.

“You are really sweet, you know that?” she replied, and looked up at him.

“No, I’m not,” he grumbled. “I’m a soldier. A big, tough, scary guy that should make other men tremble in fear…”