Page 32 of Remember Fear

“Oh yes. I suppose Trigger will want to run around for a bit and use the restroom,” she replied. “I’ll grab a bowl for some water and see if I have something she can eat for dinner.”

“I’ve got some dog food for Trigger that my mom sent over.”

“Ah ok.”

Unlocking the door, she opened it up and turned to let Eric go inside first - only to feel him scoop her up… with Max in her arms!

“What are…” she began nervously, struggling to get away as her feet were suddenly off the ground and he was stepping up into the house with her.

“We’re doing this right, even if it’s all for pretend,” he said tightly, before setting her down. “A groom carries his wife over the threshold for the first time entering the house, right?”

Madison blinked in shock… and quickly turned away so he didn’t see the confusion on her face.

Eric was wanting to do this the ‘right way’ between them, regardless of how long they were faking this marriage? She had married Asher for love, and he didn’t even attempt to carry her over the threshold, because he claimed she was too heavy.

She was not a tiny, svelte woman… but rather quite normal. She was shorter than Eric, but sturdy. Running and exercise had packed some muscle on her frame, but not anything overwhelming.

Could she ‘pinch an inch’? Sure.

Was she about to eat like a rabbit and watch her weight? Nope. She had enough on her plate, and indulged way too much in drive-thru or frozen dinners.

… Yet Eric swept her up, in his arms, with Max, like it was nothing.

Taking in a deep breath, she reached up in the cabinet and got a glass, filling it one-handed with water before taking a quick sip… and hesitated.

Eric was still standing behind her, and every hair on her neck was at attention in awareness. Turning slightly, she saw him waiting, before doing a doubletake. He seemed to be larger than life in the tiny kitchen, making her quite aware of how small her house was in reality.

“Aren’t you coming further inside?”

“I didn’t want to intrude.”

“Oh,” she paused and nodded. That was sweet of him, but then again, this was her place and he was the guest – in a fashion. “Let me show you where to put your bag and show you around. It’s a small place, so…”

“You have a lovely home.”

“Thank you.”

“It must be nice to have a place to go where you can just be alone for a bit. I mean, the guys are alright in the barracks, but it’s more like a camp and lacking for privacy. If someone is listening to the radio without headphones… we’realllistening to the radio,” he murmured, and there was a slight twitch to his lips, making her realize he was trying to tell a joke.

“Are you trying to be funny?”

“I’m really bad at it, aren’t i?”

… And she spotted the twitch again, smiling broadly in awareness.

He was trying to relax and let down his guard, but it was coming across between something like a spasm or indigestion. He was just very quiet, immovable, so these little moments were like glimpses of the real him and how his mind worked.

“Youdolook pained,” she admitted, smiling, and heard a soft laugh as he hung his head and shook it slightly before looking at her.

“Can I make some coffee while you take care of Max?” he said quietly, pointing at the Keurig. “Would you like a cup?”

“You know what,” she began, looking at him. “I think I would like one. Thank you. Follow me for a moment and let me show you around.”

“The grand tour?”

“Something like that,” she replied, feeling a little more at ease. She could deal with the friendly banter, because it distracted her from ogling him.

“The house has a little bit of a strange layout from what I grew up with, but I like it and it seems to suit me. If you picture the house as a big rectangle, the bedrooms are on one side and the bathroom, kitchen, and dining room are on the other. The living room is towards the back… and that door leads to the yard.”