Page 28 of Remember Fear

“I’m not hearing this…” Madison sang loudly with wide eyes. “La! La! La! We are not talking about my creation. I came from a cabbage patch or a stork, remember?”

“Madison, this is a grown man and not someone you can push around…”

“I’m not pushing him, trust me,” she blurted out, eyes widening. “He’s not the push around type. No, he’s more like a big ol’ sexy brick wall and…”

“Youlikethis boy…”

“Mom,” Madison wailed in defeat and frustration. “It doesn’t matter if I like him or not – or if I even think about him like that – because he’s not thinking of me like that. It’s just not happening, and it’s only going to be on paper. He is flying back to Afghanistan, and that’s why we are rushing to do this while he’s here.”

“Don’t say I didn’t tell you,” her mother said primly, crossing her arms over her chest and looking out the passenger side window as she sat at the green light in amazement.

A loud honk caused Madison to jump as she moved forward and merged into the other lane, her heart hammering because it was nearly four o’clock now. As they pulled in, she hopped out and plucked Max out of the car seat while her mother got out of the car. Walking quickly towards the building, she hesitated.

Eric was in his uniform and looked like a million bucks. He was wearing a belted jacket emblazoned with patches and ribbons, tan trousers, a shirt and tie, along with a garrison cap like something out of the movies. His mother and father were standing in the distance beside Greg, who was holding a bouquet of roses.

“Told you…” her mother whispered as they walked forward.

“Mom…” she muttered under her breath, as Eric jogged down the steps towards them.

“You must be Mrs.…” Eric began and glanced at her.

“Engle,” her mother volunteered. “Please call me Rebecca – and you are?”

“Eric Morrison, ma’am,” he replied, glancing at her. “I’m sure this is quite unusual, but I assure you I have only the best intentions towards your daughter.”

“So I’ve heard. I was hoping for at least another grandchild or two.”

Eric looked at Madison warily, and her face flushed with embarrassment at the flat tone of her mom’s frustrated voice.

“Let me introduce you to my parents, Holly and Alan Morrison. This is my younger brother, Greg,” Eric paused, taking the flowers from his brother. “These are for you.”

“Why don’t we go inside so you two can have a moment,” Holly began, and smiled at Madison’s mother. “Would you like me to hold Max for a bit? He’s such a sweetheart. We had the chance to meet him last night and…”

“Oh really? I guess Madison has more to tell me then when she finally slows down for a moment,” her mother’s voice carried off as she stood there beside Eric, who was watching her.

“How are you doing?” he said quietly, causing her to look up at him. “If you’ve changed your mind or had second thoughts, I completely understand, because this is a big step and…”

“No,” she interrupted softly. “I’m terribly nervous, but I think this is best.”

“For who?”

“Max, of course.”

“Of course,” Eric hesitated. “Shall we go inside? I thought maybe afterwards we could pick up something for dinner and sit down to talk. There’s a lot to handle before I fly out tomorrow, and I really want to make sure I have everything taken care of for you.”

“That’s fine.”

“Madison,” Eric paused again, pulling her to the side. “I know this is on paper and it’s nothing…”

“Right,” she said tightly, “It’s nothing.”

“That’s not what I meant,” he began and opened his mouth, before closing it. “I know it’s on paper, but I was hoping that maybe we could try to be true friends during our time together, and give this a shot.”

She nodded erratically, her heart beating nervously as her mother’s words haunted her. He was going to want a wedding night, wasn’t he?

“Eric,” she stopped, her shoes making a squeaking sound on the floor almost at the doorway to the courtroom, and saw his surprise. “This is on paper, right? I mean, we’re friends and we’ve emailed each other like twice, maybe three times. I keep telling myself that I need my head examined for this, and then another voice keeps saying ‘It’s gonna be okay’… but I’m struggling. Is this going to be okay? Should I be prepping myself mentally to…” she waved her hand at his pants and felt her face redden in an alarming manner.

Was it hot in here?