Page 22 of Remember Fear

She nodded, feeling very raw and unsure at the feelings swirling in her as this gorgeous man, who she’d unloaded the biggest pile of emotional garbage on his shoulders, thinking it was nothing, just ‘a couple of buddies’ talking… was turning out to be the sexiest thing since sliced bread – and just as wonderful as she imagined on the inside.

He plucked Max out of her arms, cradling him to his side, and letting out a slight laugh as Max looked utterly bewildered, touching Eric’s trimmed beard and moustache with his fingers, before giggling at the texture in delight.

Oh, I know, son - Mama too…she thought silently in amazement and fascination, just as the door to the house opened again.

“Why Eric, you devil you! You didn’t tell me your friend was here! Greg! Don’t run into the street. If Trigger won’t come back, let’s get her a treat. Eric, don’t just stand there holding the baby – call your dog. You must be Madison,” the woman gushed, barking out statements left and right as she put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her towards the house. “You should come with me. I just made a fresh pot of coffee and…”

A loud piercing whistle split the air – along with Max’s shriek of laughter and Greg’s shout of amazement.

“Oh look! Trigger listened to you! You gotta teach me that, Eric!”

“… We’ll talk while the boys introduce Max slowly to Trigger. She’s a sweetheart, but awfully like a puppy. She just loves to be loved, and I’m not sure what kind of bomb detection dog she is with all that tail-wagging she does,” Eric’s mother said kindly and smiled. “Forgive me, my name is Holly, and this grump in the recliner watching the news is Alan.”

“Or you can just call me ‘Grump’,” the man smirked, waving a hand slightly in hello. Both Greg and Eric looked a lot like their father, except for that tan…

Madison immediately looked over her shoulder towards the men walking noisily inside with the panting dog, who was still going ninety-miles-a-minute. Max was laughing and cradled against Eric’s side easily, like it was nothing.

She met his eyes and saw his slight nod, before he sat down on the couch with Max on his lap, calling Trigger over to him.

“Trigger, sit girl…”

“Madison, sit,” his mother ordered, handing her a cup of coffee. “Let’s just us girls chat for a moment away from all the testosterone in the other room. Max will be fine, if you are okay with us loving on him for a little bit?”

“Max is my buddy – and Eric’s!” Greg volunteered, smiling and waving to her… as she smiled, feeling herself truly relax for a moment as she realized that this place, this home, these people – including Eric – were safe…

“I’m glad he has you as his friends,” she admitted softly, as Holly pushed the caddy towards her that held a tiny pitcher of creamer, some sugar, and a cup full of spoons.

“You too?” Greg said easily. “You’re our friend too, right?”

“I am,” she smiled, feeling her cheeks flush as she looked away from Eric – and Holly’s knowing smile.

Oh yeah, this woman could tell that Madison had a crush on her stoic son, who wasn’t letting an iota of expression past his face hardly at all. He wasn’t interested in her at all. When it came to Max, Eric would let a tiny smile slip past. When Eric looked at his brother you could see tenderness in his face… but when it came to her?

Eric looked at her like he was staring at the recliner. This should be a good thing, right? She certainly didn’t need someone in her life right now, and it would only cause a confrontation with Asher.

“Tell me all about you, Madison…” Holly smiled, patting her on the hand, and she nodded as she began to speak, unburdening herself to the woman that seemed so very kind and understanding.



Eric swallowed painfullyas a lump in his throat swelled to an alarming size, seizing his heart in his chest tightly as he walked out the front door into the yard to greet his pen pal and friend.

Madison was breathtakingly beautiful.

There was such a glow, such a vivaciousness that seemed to call to him. Her short, cropped, dark hair was in a pixie cut that seemed to suit her – and her dark eyes were depths he could only imagine diving into. The shock on her face at meeting his brother, as well as the gentle acceptance that seemed to soften her expressive features, made him want to melt.

… And Max was a tiny version of her.

He moved to shake the boy’s hand – and Max reached for him immediately. It would be highly inappropriate to yank Madison into his arms, hugging her or more… so he settled for the next best thing – cuddling on her son.

She had enough issues in her life; he certainly didn’t want to be another. He kept watching her out of the corner of his eye as Max and Greg threw the ball for Trigger, and his father turned up the television so he could hear the weather during the news broadcast… but Eric listened intently to his mother’s inquisition of his new friend, wanting to learn more about her.

“So how old are you, dear?”

He should have asked that,he mused silently.
