Page 19 of Remember Fear

“I’d love that Mom…” he mumbled sleepily, and rose slightly from where he was laying. “I gotta let Trigger out again and…”

“I can take Trigger outside,” his brother announced. “I’m good with animals.”

“Yeah, you are,” Eric smiled in exhaustion. “I’d really appreciate that, Greg. Just watch her, because she’s a slippery girl who likes to play a lot.”

“You can trust me.”

Eric watched his brother give him a slight salute and yanked his bag up on the bunk to get out his gift for him. That was one thing that really struck home with him about Madison and Max’s story – and part of the reason he wanted to meet her.

There was such a bias out there, sometimes a stigma, regarding how capable someone with Down Syndrome could be – yet most of the time it was society that held them back, because we were scared for them, worried they would hurt themselves, or that they couldn’t handle whatever they were tasked with.

They could, it was just different.

He got out the camouflage hat that he’d bought for Greg and the Army T-shirt, smiling softly. His brother was five years younger than him… and had Down Syndrome, too.



“Hi, Madison?”

She hesitated to answer it because she was in the middle of class, only to see that the caller ID said ‘Morrison’on it.

“Hello?” she whispered softly, stepping out into her office near the gym for a moment. “Hello? Eric?”

“Is this a bad time… oh shoot! You’re in class, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, is everything okay?”

“What? Oh yes. Sorry. I was just… ah… wanting to see if you wanted coffee, but you’re busy. Um, how about dinner instead? You could finish your day and then get Max, or we could…”

“That sounds fine,” she whispered nervously, feeling her hands shake. “Both are fine. Can I call you at this number when school is out?”



“Hey Madison?”


“Have a great day,” he said quietly. “I can’t wait to meet you later.”

She couldn’t fight the smile that touched her lips as she realized it was so sweet of him to say that to her. They barely knew each other, but he was going out of his way to be kind and thoughtful towards her, which was a nice change from Asher. Everything was about him or how to handle it around his schedule… but this was different.

“Thanks Eric. I really appreciate that,” she smiled. “I’ll call you soon.”


Hanging up, she took a deep breath and turned to re-enter the classroom, hesitating. Picking up the phone, she dialed Lily Griffin’s classroom briefly as the children were doing their fractions using paper plates and pinto beans.

“Mrs. Griffin…” Lily answered after two rings.

“Quick question,” she began bluntly. “It’s Madison. How do you know Eric Morrison?”


“Your friend you wanted me to write? Obviously, you aren’t friends at all, so what gives?”