Page 15 of Remember Fear

The hearing was delayed for six months – at her request.

She was losing and they both knew it.

The attorney Asher hired was taking all the evidence and twisting it, claiming that she was an unfit mother and unable to take care of Max. He had photos of her getting to the school parking lot, claiming she was leaving their son at home alone… which wasn’t the case.

He had other photos of her, fishing something out of Max’s mouth, which was normal for any inquisitive toddler crawling around… and he claimed that he had a statement from the pediatrician discussing how his developmental delays were directly influenced from her care.

Her pediatrician was fired, immediately, for that blind-sided hit…

Asher claimed her home was not safe for Max, her income was substantiated by his child support, and requested payment go to the facility that he’d already selected for his son… and Madison nearly threw up in that moment.

“I would like a secondary evaluation by an unbiased pediatrician,” Madison had requested immediately, knowing she was grasping at straws.

“I would also request that if the court deems it, Child Services may inspect my home for Max’s safety. I have nothing to hide, and the house is fit to raise a child in it. I would also like to bring it to your attention, Your Honor, that Mr. Keene has intentions on rekindling a relationship with me once our son is housed in another facility – hence the request for the restraining order, proven by his comments regarding Max having a mother… and a father.”

“Is this true?”

“She’s delusional.”

“Are you implying that your ex-wife needs an evaluation for her mental state?”

“Yes, sir,” Asher’s attorney agreed immediately, laying a restraining hand on her ex-husband’s shoulder, grasping at straws. She could see it, and sincerely hoped the judge could see it too.

No, this was going downhill fast.

“Your Honor, I would not be asking for this if I didn’t feel threatened or felt like I wasn’t being stalked outside of my own home all the time – and I have someone that can corroborate the fact that I’ve had people in the street taking photos of me in my home.”

“Mr. Keene, are you having Mrs. Keene followed?”

“For my son’s safety – I assure you.”

“Mrs. Keene, is your witness here?”

“No sir. I would request time to make sure that my witnesses can be here to give statements, and get an evaluation from another pediatrician.”

“Granted,” the judge began. “I’ll give you two weeks…”

“What? No!” Asher snapped. “The facility is holding a spot for Max and…”

“Mrs. Keene,” the judge said angrily. “You havesix monthsto get your documentation and witnesses. Do you care to make it a year, Mr. Keene?”

“No, sir.”

“Then it’s settled. We’ll meet in six months to hear this.”

* * *

… Madison satdown in her car, locked the doors, and started it so the air conditioning cooled down the interior for Max where he was seated in his car seat – and took a moment to calm down.

Eric was right.

She wasn’t an attorney and barely got out of there. If it wasn’t for Asher’s outburst, she might have had today’s meeting go much differently… and now he was implying she was delusional? Were they going to push that avenue to get his way?

Madison had been so frustrated at Eric’s email, felt so frazzled and stressed, that she didn’t write him back… and it had been several weeks. She needed to vent some steam, let off some of the stress, and somehow, someway, find an out through all of this, that wouldn’t result in her losing Max.

“Maddie,” her mother began from the passenger seat of the car, resting a hand on her shoulder in support. “Maddie, I know you don’t want to talk about this, but perhaps you should find a way to work with Asher and…”

“Mom – No!”