Page 13 of Remember Fear

My girl’s name is Trigger and she’s a mess. Ha ha ha! She’s an absolute sweetheart and such a puppy, even though she’s two years old. They keep telling me she’s grown, but she’s small and awfully puppy-ish. I was expecting some massive, fierce dog… and she’s a gorgeous ‘runt’.

Trigger is all brown but with a black muzzle and black tipped ears. She likes to play a lot and is extremely cuddly with me. I was told not to get attached because she’s my ‘work partner’ – but how do you not love someone that just adores you uncontrollably?

I guess that makes me a fool, because out here in ‘Maui’ – the ‘pineapples’ are a real threat, and I don’t know what I would do if Trigger ever got hurt.

Okay – changing subject because that just bothers me to think of it.

You mentioned ‘his sweet smiles’ – that’s really nice. How long have you two been married? Any kids? What do you do for a living?

I guess we’ll ‘talk’ soon.

Take care,


As he sat there wondering if he should compose another email – he was shocked to get a response so quickly after it taking forever for him to hear from her before. It was nearly seven in the evening, which made him curious what time it was there.

Dear Eric,

Trigger sounds adorable – and I apologize for laughing at the ‘pineapples attacking in Maui’ commentary. I wasn’t expecting that, and you took me by surprise.

I could use a friend, too.

Your email was kind – I could use that in my life right now, and hope that doesn’t come off as weird.

Married, once… and divorced now.

Child, yes… my son’s name is Max, and he just celebrated his second birthday. It’s his smiles I can’t live without… as for my ex?

Yeah, let’s just leave that alone.

I’m still facing another court battle and I might need to vent someday, but right now I need that pressure cooker building steam within me, so I am sharp as a tack when I go to represent myself. Probably not the smartest thing, I know, but attorney’s fees are so outrageously expensive, and I am being dragged over the coals.

I’m a teacher at an elementary school. I teach math and love it. It gives me a chance to give back to the community, to see smiling faces all day long, and I can burn off some mental energy.

Not sure if you are still online, but I thought I’d say ‘hello’ back. I’ve got to get ready for school and take Max to my mother’s.

Write when you can, Eric… and thank you for being a friend.


Eric immediately began typing, hoping to catch her before she left the house… and didn’t want to identify the ‘why’ behind it.

He knew he was a glutton for punishment with a self-induced white-knight personality, and hated people taking advantage of the underdog. It was part of the reason he joined the Army. He wanted to be a hero just like every other boy growing up. He wished he could have superpowers and take down the bad guys, only to find that was all pretend… in a fashion.

Dear Madison,

I’m glad I made you laugh – and Max sounds like he’s really special to you. As a guy without kids, I can’t imagine… but if it’s an inkling of how I feel for Trigger? I’m sure that feeling is overwhelming. I know it’s not the same and a dumb comparison, but it’s hard to put into words how you can care about another little soul so much, you know?

I might delete that – that was dumb and mushy.

Ha ha ha!

Teacher? Very nice! I don’t know how you handle being trapped in a classroom with that many kids, because I’m a grown man that shares a barracks with a bunch of ‘kids’ now, and they can be irritating. I’m teasing again, and hope it comes across in the email.

Keep that mental pressure cooker going – and if you need to talk? I’d be happy to lend a very un-judgmental ear. May I give an opinion or a suggestion? Completely unwanted and unwarranted…?

I’d recommend an attorney, if things are that bad.