Page 12 of Remember Fear

Dressing quickly, he was sincerely impressed that Trigger stayed at his side as he walked towards the commissary to get some food. Apparently with Trigger’s arrival came cases and cases of dog food as well. Eric got his tray, and Trigger got her bowl.

Sitting down, he shoveled in his food almost as quickly as Trigger inhaled hers, glancing at his watch once more. His assigned hour was almost here, and he didn’t want to miss a chance to see if his pen pal that he’d taken had written him back yet.

He had written a very brief ‘hello’a few weeks ago, unsure what to say, and feeling like a fool… but today would be much different, he mused, looking at Trigger.

Those dark, black eyes looked up at him, and Eric felt himself melt slightly as he petted the dog lovingly for the first time. He was afraid to get attached, but the more he worked with Trigger, saw her try to please him, and how sweet she was… he was melting alright.

His partner… was quickly becoming his ‘buddy’ and friend.

“Love you too, pretty girl,” Eric whispered, letting Trigger lick him playfully on the chin as he ruffled her ears tenderly, blowing on her muzzle, knowing it would drive her nuts.

Getting to his feet, he put away his tray and Trigger’s bowl, before walking towards the computer station quickly, glancing at his watch once more. As he entered, he saw Peña was getting up from the seat… and frowning.

Plopping down heavily in the chair, he loaded up his email account and logged in, expecting it to be down still since they were on lockdown… only to have his email actually load.

There were several emails from his parents, checking on him, junk mail, ads like you wouldn’t believe… and as he was hitting delete, he saw one email that didn’t fit into either category, recognizing the name.

Madison Keene.

Clicking on it, he began to read the email and hesitated. It was from the girl he’d briefly emailed about three weeks ago, and honestly didn’t expect a response.

Dear Mr. Morrison,

Forgive me if this seems strange or forward, but why do you want a pen pal? I mean, I suppose people need others in their lives, some might say we are ‘pack’ creatures, congregating with friends and such… but then there’s those of us that know what happens when you open the door to let someone in.

So, I suppose, my hand is on the doorknob – and avidly curious about you. What are your goals, your hopes, for this communication between us?

My friend mentioned you might like to receive packages in the mail? What do you need over there? I would be happy to send you something, but it will be coming from my work address for a very good reason – unless I can get someone to mail it for me.

Congratulations on receiving your animal – it sounds like you’ve been waiting eagerly for it to arrive. Is it a boy or a girl? There is no better feeling than coming ‘home’ and cuddling against the one you love – is there? I do it every evening and live for his sweet smiles.



His pen pal sounded exceedingly jaded or wary – and his response might not fly…

… I got a pen pal because it was handed to me?

… I got a pen pal because it kept one of the other dorks from taking the last sheet of paper?

… I got a pen pal because they were afraid we’d crack under the pressure after seeing another soldier get blown away?

Wait. Did that mean Reed’s family was contacted? Did he make it – or did he pass away? Would they tell them anything at all?

… And what did she mean saying, ‘I live for his sweet smiles’?

What in the world?

He was pretty sure that it was either said or implied that these pen pals were single women… but that statement did not remotely sound ‘single’ in the slightest. It sounded like she was in a relationship – and if so? What kind of woman wrote another man, a soldier, on the other side of the world?

Curious, Eric began to type.

Dear Madison,

Please call me Eric – Mr. Morrison sounds so formal, and I am hoping that perhaps we can befriend each other? I could use someone to talk to when I’m having a rough day… although, I can’t give a lot of details because of security. So let’s pretend I’m in ‘Maui’ (I’m not) and the ‘pineapples’ are threatening us (they are – they absolutely are!).

My buddy got shot recently by a ‘pineapple’ (weird things I never thought I’d say) and it really messed up the team. I honestly thought ‘Maui’ would be a brief stint so I could get assigned a dog (I’m a ‘kaboom’ expert) and now that she’s here? I’m struggling.