Page 10 of Remember Fear

Several heads swerved to look at Madison… all of them smiling.

“Of course not,” Madison replied, feeling uneasy. “There’s nothing to it. You say ‘hello’, make a little small talk, and share a few memes or something. Yeah, I’ve got no issues with writing a letter to someone, because then my ex would never know, and it’s on my timeframe. It’s just a letter or an email, right? What can it hurt?”

“Exactly,” Lily said innocently, smiling softly. “It’s just a letter.”



Ghazni, Afghanistan

Eric stared at the dark,intelligent eyes that watched him curiously… before looking at Logan.

“Is this right?”

“I know,” Logan said openly. “I wondered the same thing, but that’s what arrived today for you and…”

The captain reached over onto his desk, pulling a sheet of paper off the printer and reading.

“This explosive detection animal has been trained for four months, and well-trained in detecting urea nitrate, hydrogen peroxide, low volatility explosives, plastics, RDX, PETN, and Semtex…”Logan’s voice trailed off as he looked at the dog staring up at him and wagging her tail.

“Who’s a good girl, Trigger?” Logan said in a baby voice, grinning.

The young dog barked, happily wagging her tail again.

“Oh geez,” Eric muttered in disbelief.

“You wanted your dog? Well, here she is.”

“Sir? The animal is… practicallya puppy.”

“Nope. She’s grown – and yours.”

“Can we send her back and get an older, more experienced dog?”

“Bomb detection training is four months – and she passed. It doesn’t matter if she’s graying around the muzzle, or her paws are bigger than she is. This is your animal and in your care, Morrison.”

“I’m afraid she’ll get hurt,” he admitted openly, looking at Logan. “I don’t want to be responsible for her, Trigger, if she…”

“It sounds like you think that you’re adopting a ‘buddy’, Morrison,” Logan said coolly. “This is yourwork animal,and Trigger has been dispatched to be your explosives detection dog. If you are concerned with her education, feel free to train your partner accordingly.”

Eric looked at the German shepherd, who angled her head to the side inquisitively and met his eyes. Trigger licked her chops… and wagged her tail, moving her paws slightly as if she was itching to jump up on him excitedly.

He looked at Logan again – who raised an eyebrow at him.

“Dismissed, Morrison.”

“Yes, sir,” he replied, unsure what to do or how to address this. He was scared that a ‘puppy’ would get injured, despite the training, as the dog stood up from her seat and wagged her tail.

“C’mon Trigger. Let’s introduce you to your new home, your new family, and see what you can do…” he muttered apprehensively.

* * *

Two weeks later…

“Daggum-it,”Eric snarled angrily as something liquid shot onto the back of his legs and pants the moment he sat down - and heard another man curse loudly at the other end of the bathroom from another stall.