He released the air in his lungs. “A good day.”

“Damn straight it is. Fix that in your mind, Lexis. Talk soon.”

When he ended the call, Clay stuffed the phone next to Lark’s. She sent a sideways glance at his crotch.

“Can I have my phone back now?”


“Why not?”

“I can’t risk you texting people. If there’s one thing I learned as a bodyguard, it’s thateverythingis traceable.”

Those big green eyes landed on his and stuck there like a gymnast coming off a balance beam. She was the size of one too.

“You were a bodyguard? That’s hot.”

He almost let the groan explode up his throat. “I’m happy to entertain.”

“In a hot, silver fox, male revue way. Have you ever thought of putting on the police uniform again? Doing a little side gig on the stage?”

“No!” His snarl came out with a lot more force than he wanted.

When he glanced over at Lark again, she shook with silent laughter. Oh, this woman got under his skin big-time by calling him old and parading the fact that she saw the years between them as attractive.

“Just kidding, Clay! Take a breather.”

He found himself doing just that, drawing in a slow breath through his nostrils and releasing through his mouth—a response he’d learned during both military and bodyguard training sessions.

Then he realized he was taking the advice of a reporter wannabe who got paid from work on an app.

“Who was texting you?” he demanded.

“Quick Bunny. It looks like I’m still available on the app, and several people want to use my services today.”

“What kinds of services?” This time when her device buzzed he didn’t flinch, even though it tingled his nuts.

“Ordinary services.”


“If you are finished getting a cheap thrill off my phone buzzing your dick and hand it to me, I’ll read the list to you.”

“You’re a real piece of work, Lark. And believe me when I say I don’t have need ofanythingcheap. You’re not getting your phone back yet. In fact…” He picked it up and began sifting through the open app for the settings.

“What are you doing?” She leaned across the console toward him, those perky breasts straining the fabric of her polka-dotted top.

“Making sure there’s no tracker on you.” He swiped it open and found that yes, the app did track her location to make it easy for her clients to see where she was. Anger boiled in him. “Seriously? This app is dangerous as hell. A woman like you could be targeted.”

“Who is targeting me in East Canon?” Their gazes met. “Don’t answer that.”

He thrust the phone at her. “Don’t open that until I tell you to.”

“Your use of authority is pretty hot too.”


“Just sayin’. Calm down, Clay.”