She made a scoffing noise. “I’m not a secretary, Clay. That archaic word has been retired. I’m Sentry’s intelligence analyst and official dispatcher. Of course, I got most of my information from comic books.”

His brow arched.

“I’m joking! I spoke with Corrine Wynton at WEST Protection. She offered a lot of suggestions on setting you guys up in style.”

“But this is all on the government’s dime?”

“Yup. Do I at least get a pat on the head?”

His chest rumbled. “You get more than that, doll.” Hooking an arm around her middle, he yanked her flush against his body. Her body conformed to his, soft breasts pressed to his chest and a tender smile on her lips.

She curled her hand around his nape. “So I did a good thing? I was nervous because, you know, I haven’t officially been given a position on Sentry.”

He contemplated how much to say. “I was worried about letting you get involved. This isn’t a Girl Scout troop, Lark. We’re going to be involved with a lot of dangerous shit. I don’t want you anywhere near that.”

“Again with the Girl Scouts! Does this make you change your mind about me at all?” She took his hand and settled it over her breast. His cock jerked against his fly. Molding his fingers to fit her curves, he issued a moan.

“I changed my mind about you within the first ten minutes in your company, Lark. And yes, you’re amazing. You set Sentry up for nothing but success, and I appreciate my…intelligence analyst…so much.” Lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her.

The first brush of her mouth over his extracted a growl from him. He yanked her tighter against his chest, pulling her onto tiptoes.

A rough cough sounded from the doorway. He withdrew from the kiss and spotted Quaide standing in the doorway.

“When you two are finished eating each other’s faces off, I’m ready to sign that contract.” With that, he pivoted and vanished inside.

Clay barked a chuckle, and Lark hid her face against his chest, shaking with laughter.

Taking her by the hand, he led her into the kitchen. She kicked into business mode, hurrying back to her workstation. Quaide was leaning against the counter with his arms folded.

Clay walked over and held out a hand to his friend. “It’s not official until the ink hits the paper, but welcome aboard, brother.”

Quaide unfolded his arms to grip his hand. Clay thumped him on the shoulder in a bro-hug.

“Actually, there’s no ink or paper,” Lark spoke up. She held a tablet out. “Everything’s electronic. I mean, itisthe digital age.” She rolled her eyes in a way that had them both laughing.

“I think she’s calling us old.” Quaide took the tablet from her and scribbled his signature using his fingertip.

“I know she is.” Clay grinned at Lark. His lover. The love of his life. She was here to support him in all ways, and it never felt so good.

Finished, Quaide handed her the tablet. After a couple swipes on the screen, she shot them a broad smile. “Now it’s all official. You’re part of Sentry, Quaide.”

He gave her a nod in return, but he wasn’t smiling. That tension Clay had been picking up on for a while now seemed to be knotting his friend up.

Quaide was definitely keeping something from him, but Clay figured in time the man would talk. They had formed a strong bond in bootcamp that carried on throughout the years. If Clay had to guess, though, he’d say something bad went down in the FBI that was eating at Quaide. A failed op or some heavy responsibility that gnawed at his conscientious friend.

“Knock fucking knock!” The call from the front of the house made Clay jolt. He rushed into the living room to see Julius and Jennings bursting through the door.

“How the hell did you get in?” he demanded. “The door was locked.”

Jennings closed the door behind him with a cocky grin. “You should do something about the security around here.”

Hell, these guys were real pieces of work. On the other hand, they were exactly the kind of men that Clay needed on the team.

Lark popped into the living room. “Hey, guys! Good to see you.”

Julius dragged his gaze over Lark from head to toe. “You too.”

Clay stepped between them, cutting off Lark from view. Julius’s lips quirked up.