Page 136 of Wild Thing

“Are you sure about your decision?” he asks.

My heart trips the slightest bit but I smile. “Mason, I’m sure.”

He abandons the pot and comes to me, wrapping me up in his arms. “It’s not too late to change your mind—”

“I’m not changing my mind.”

“—and I support you no matter what you choose to do—”

“I already know that.”

“—and I’ll pack my life up and follow your ass to Arizona like a sick puppy if that’s what you want.”

“That’s not what I want.” I bring my hands to his scruffy cheeks, cradling that pretty face I love so much. “What I want is this. Us. Right here. This is enough.”

I’ve thought long and hard about that med school acceptance letter from The University of Middle-of-Nowhere, Arizona. I’ve given it serious consideration, night after night. And I’ve come to the same conclusion over and over again—I don’t want to go.

Not because it’s too far away. I know Mason would leave his job at the clinic and come with me if I asked him to.

Not because it’s not a reputable school. That doesn’t matter to me.

Not because I don’t want to put in the effort required to earn the degree. I’ve always believed in working hard for what Iwant.

But that’s the thing. I realize now, that I don’twantit. I probably never did.

What I was chasing was the validation that I thought could only come from accomplishing something that society would see as grand. Now, I’m chasing something different. I’m chasing validation from within, from knowing that I’m enough becauseIfucking said so. BecauseIdecided.

And it definitely doesn’t hurt to have Mason’s big, powerful arms to reassure me anytime my faith in myself begins to waiver.

So, for now, I’m still working at the clinic’s reception while Yvonne finishes up her maternity leave. And really, who knows what the future will bring? I’m keeping an open mind to see where the universe will lead me.

“Ooh! The pot!” I say, when I hear the pan start to sizzle. “You’ve got to stir the pot!”

“Right!” Mason leaps back to the stove, just in time.

The doorbell rings way before we’re ready, and I hustle down the hallway to answer. It’s Layla with Sky in her arms.

“Hey, girl!” I hustle her through the door.

Her eyes peruse the house as she steps inside. “This place is gorgeous, Karli. I love the pink tiger-striped throw cushions on the couch.”

“Thank you, babe.” I say, kissing Sky’s little head. “Yeah, the throw cushions are great. I mean who can pass up a six-for-ten-dollar deal? Especially in this economy? Sheesh!”

“Six for ten dollars?!” Her eyes bulge. “Okay, you’ve got to tell me where you’ve been shopping.”

Layla has been doing so much better since she got rid of Razor for good. Raising Sky alone has been hard on her, but she was pretty much doing it all on her own even when Razor was in the picture. Without the dead weight hanging around, she’s been able to focus more on herself and her baby. I can tell that doing little things for herself, like decorating her home, has really helped boost the way she feels about herself.

Daphne shows up not a minute later, cute as always in her vintage getup.

“I have an announcement!” she says, looking like she’s about to burst.

“What’s going on?” Layla asks, her eyebrows lifted in suspicion.

“I’m about to sign a lease for that place that’s been vacant!” she explodes.

“The place above the medical clinic?” I ask.

“Yes!” She bounces around with excitement.