Page 127 of Wild Thing

“So you have to learn to trust yourself. Before you can ask anyone else to trust you. That’s only fair. Because you can’t expect someone else to feel safe putting her heart in your hands if you’re fumbling in your own power.”

I swallow hard as Ziggy hits me with this bitter truth. “You’re right.” As a grown man, it’s painful to admit that.

“You’re a good guy, Mason. But you’re the first one who has to know it. Before anyone else—your best friend included. And if you think you’re the man for Karli, you just have to embody it. Be it. Make the decision and stick to it and don’t waiver in that conviction. Simple as that. Then, everybody else will eventually fall in line.”

Could Ziggy possibly be right? Nah. She can’t. There’s no hope of a positive resolution in this situation.

Everything is fucked. Karli and me are done. Except…is it possible that we can fix this? I might be crazy but all of a sudden, I feel a tiny spark of hope.

Ziggy has this ethereal way about her. Sometimes, it’s a little spooky. But more than anything, she can make you believe in the impossible.

While I simmer in Ziggy’s words, she observes my face for a long, uncomfortable moment. Then she tangles up her shiny pink hair into a knot on top of her head. Digging a hand into the pocket of her dress, she produces a deck of tarot cards.


She shuffles the deck and when she flips over the first card, she bares her teeth, grimacing in pain.The death card.

Oh, dammit.

“We were doing so well…” I mutter, getting up, ready to run away..

“Come on, Mason. What happened to being brave?”

“I am bravely walking away,” I say, digging into my wallet and handing her a wad of cash.

“The death card doesn’t have to be bad. I promise,” Ziggy insists, yelling after me. “Death means transformation, change. And right after death is rebirth.” I hear her bark in frustration. “Whatever is happening in your life, don’t cower away from it, Mason. Let the old parts of you die so you can embrace the new!”

I pull my keys from my pocket and sink behind the wheel of my car. “Thanks, Ziggy.”

Laughing, she waves after me as I pull away from the curb.

As I drive, Ziggy’s advice replays animatedly in my head. I love Karli and I’m sure that she loves me. I have the power to decide that we’re going to make it work. That I will do my part. I have the power to decide that this time will be different than the past. Better than the past.

Because what’s the alternative? A lifetime of Zara’s? A lifetime of jobs that don’t fulfill me? A lifetime of friendships where I’m walking around on eggshells?

Nah. That’s not the life for me.

Instead of running every time the going gets tough, I’m ready to stand up anddemandthe life I want.

I hit the highway.

Starlight Falls, you thought you’d seen the last of me? Not so fast, bitch.



“Any messages for me while I was gone, Karls?”

I don’t look up from my keyboard at the sound of Felix’s voice. “Mrs. Jameson called to cancel her appointment for this afternoon. But you have six walk-ins to fill her spot. Also, Dr. Clifford is at the hospital with one of her patients who’s in labor. And some girl came by with mashed potatoes and meatballs.” I nudge the lukewarm lunch container toward him with my knuckles.

With a distraught note in his voice, my brother glances over his shoulder into the waiting room. “Shit—sixwalk-ins? We’re short-staffed. How are we supposed to deal with six walk-ins?”

“Hmm. I wonder…”Maybe you shouldn’t have fired one of your doctors for no good reason, knucklehead.

Felix heaves a sigh, his eyes coming back to me. I can feel the weight of his stare. “Thank you, sis,” he says meekly, leaning an elbow on the reception counter.

I don’t give him the attention he’s looking for. Instead, I grab the fresh pile ofFor Rentflyers from the printer and stack them neatly on the corner of the desk. “Just doing my job, Dr. Brighton.”