Page 108 of Wild Thing

Looks are exchanged around the room.

“Of course.” Karli doesn’t hesitate, hustling over to the fridge and doing exactly as she’s told.

When she hands off the eggs to my grandmother, the old woman points to a cabinet. “Flour’s in there. Middle shelf. Measure out two cups of flour, level them off, and pour them into this sifter.”

We all stand back as Karli does as she’s instructed. But while she gets bossed around by my grandmother, her confused eyes turn to me. I almost want to laugh. It’s clear that Karli can’t figure out why Grammy is ordering her, and only her, around the kitchen, while everyone else crowds around like spectators. Still, she carries out my grandmother’s instructions with a goodnatured smile.

Later, when the pie crust is cooking in the oven, my sisters yank Karli to the hallway. All the women huddle around her, whispering.

Curious, I inch closer to eavesdrop on their excited conversation.

“What is happening right now?” I hear Karli ask, her skeptical blue peepers bouncing around the group of chattering women. “Everyone seems to know something I don’t.”

Meghan grabs Karli’s arm, wiggling it about. “I know you don’t get it, but you just received Grammy’s seal of approval!”

“Wh-what…?” Karli stutters, looking a little bit afraid.

Nadia explains. “Every outsider Grammy has ever shared one of her recipes with has ended up, well…inthe family.” Noelle and my mom nod along in confirmation.

Emma squeals, yanking Karli in for a hug. “Welcome, sister!”

All the women pile on. Karli’s head bobs on her neck as the mob rocks her back and forth in their group hug.

Through all the commotion, Karli’s terrified eyes meet mine. My heart starts pounding.

This wasnotpart of the plan when I invited her home with me for the weekend.

But I can’t lie. I like it. A lot.



Jogging behind Karli up the dark walkway, I snatch the overnight bag out of her hand. “Where do you think you’re going, carrying that?” I whisper before planting a kiss behind her ear.

She gives me a restrained smile over her shoulder. “Thanks.”

I feel a chill sweep over me as I stand back, watching her unlock the front door with her keys. In fact, I’ve felt this distance growing between us on the entire drive back to Starlight Falls. At first, I thought I was imagining it but now, I’m convinced it’s true.

She’s pulling away from me. But why?

Setting both of our bags down at the foot of the stairs, I go up behind her, wrapping my arms around her middle. “Hey, are you okay?” I ask her.

Karli turns to face me, that same plastic smile on her lips. “I’m great!” she chirps but I’m not sure I believe her.

“Then why do I feel like you’re shutting down on me?” I don’t want to be pushy but I can’t ignore the anxious feeling clawing its way up my chest.

Her arms drape around my neck and a big sigh escapes her. “I…I’m sorry. It’s just—going to your family’s was…a lot.”

I blink.

She hurries to clarify. “No, Mason. Don’t take that the wrong way. I had so much fun. And they all made me feel so welcome. I’ve always wanted a crew of sisters and the girls in your family are so tight-knit. It was just…a little overwhelming…”

“Overwhelming, how?”

“Because you have such a beautiful family. And I like them so much…and…” Her eyes fall to my chest for a moment before volleying back to my face. “You know what? Let’s not talk about it.”

My hands trail the curvature of her hips. “Karli—”